NHS MASKINFABRIK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 81122717
Holmbladsvej 13, 8600 Silkeborg
tel: 87206500

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit12 835.6313 349.9715 628.3113 648.8613 778.18
Employee benefit expenses-10 156.37-10 457.57-11 542.64-10 931.90-11 478.02
Other operating expenses-22.00-1 565.30-22.00-31.00
Total depreciation-1 493.90-1 465.44-1 412.56-1 220.39- 749.04
EBIT1 185.361 404.961 107.811 474.581 520.12
Other financial income2.39-9.98123.4911.0513.13
Other financial expenses- 752.12- 589.89- 647.64- 757.64- 880.07
Pre-tax profit435.63805.09583.66727.99653.18
Income taxes-98.07- 180.53-13.14- 162.97- 149.37
Net earnings337.56624.56570.52565.01503.81

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure420.73210.37
Intangible assets total420.73210.37
Land and waters10 862.0810 729.507 285.757 110.806 983.61
Buildings6 625.315 858.737 540.566 686.116 293.13
Machinery and equipment833.44652.29947.57884.281 234.62
Tangible assets total18 320.8317 240.5215 773.8914 681.1914 511.36
Other receivables103.66103.66103.66
Investments total103.66103.66103.66
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products1 751.911 782.522 083.862 061.30979.03
Raw materials and consumables2 494.352 905.933 509.153 592.264 875.09
Finished products/goods4 751.294 245.654 985.217 408.997 250.14
Inventories total8 997.558 934.1010 578.2213 062.5513 104.26
Current trade debtors2 384.092 782.093 203.072 342.173 706.55
Current amounts owed by group member comp.250.88281.85279.67371.63758.88
Prepayments and accrued income37.5013.9085.3088.6436.81
Current other receivables259.2670.01325.1696.2665.60
Short term receivables total2 931.743 147.853 893.192 898.714 567.84
Cash and bank deposits1.4327.85467.64262.7351.89
Cash and cash equivalents1.4327.85467.64262.7351.89
Balance sheet total (assets)30 672.2829 560.6830 816.6031 008.8432 339.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital510.001 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.00
Asset revaluation reserve84.2479.5674.8870.2065.52
Other reserves328.17164.08
Retained earnings7 303.037 319.358 112.678 687.879 257.57
Profit of the financial year337.56624.56570.52565.01503.81
Shareholders equity total8 562.999 187.559 758.0710 323.0910 826.90
Provisions1 794.991 891.811 537.271 576.201 649.63
Non-current loans from credit institutions9 262.018 269.634 559.764 252.563 987.30
Non-current leasing loans2 086.61811.022 978.872 257.091 902.94
Non-current other liabilities750.51948.96
Non-current deferred tax liabilities948.96979.791 018.04
Non-current liabilities total12 099.1210 029.618 487.607 489.446 908.27
Current loans from credit institutions5 441.524 656.667 621.988 794.629 738.70
Advances received115.50250.40664.17
Current trade creditors1 883.891 195.751 895.421 402.171 845.19
Short-term deferred tax liabilities83.71367.69124.0475.94
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities774.252 515.591 148.581 048.89630.20
Current liabilities total8 215.168 451.7211 033.6711 620.1112 954.20
Balance sheet total (liabilities)30 672.2829 560.6830 816.6031 008.8432 339.00
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