BRANDBOARD ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26611652
Lumbyvej 65, 5000 Odense C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 866.001 699.002 458.003 279.003 681.62
Employee benefit expenses-2 056.00- 835.00-1 765.00-2 256.00-2 483.98
Other operating expenses-5.00-66.81
Total depreciation- 290.00- 228.00-90.00- 141.00- 176.04
EBIT- 480.00636.00603.00877.00954.78
Other financial income99.00115.0075.0074.0079.65
Other financial expenses- 159.00-85.00-75.00-81.00- 104.22
Pre-tax profit- 540.00666.00603.00870.00930.21
Income taxes118.00- 147.00- 133.00- 197.00- 212.62
Net earnings- 422.00519.00470.00673.00717.58

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment729.00502.00524.00850.00724.62
Tangible assets total729.00502.00524.00850.00724.62
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables192.00188.0093.0087.0060.49
Inventories total192.00188.0093.0087.0060.49
Current trade debtors469.00586.00527.00635.25
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 977.003 330.003 783.003 791.003 622.59
Prepayments and accrued income78.0061.0045.0013.00
Current other receivables83.0081.0087.0080.00119.84
Current deferred tax assets185.0038.00
Short term receivables total3 323.003 979.004 501.004 411.004 377.68
Cash and bank deposits138.47
Cash and cash equivalents138.47
Balance sheet total (assets)4 244.004 669.005 118.005 348.005 301.27

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased500.00500.00215.57
Retained earnings717.00295.00314.00284.00741.41
Profit of the financial year- 422.00519.00470.00673.00717.58
Shareholders equity total420.00939.001 409.001 582.001 799.57
Non-current other liabilities414.00342.00423.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities605.00488.83
Non-current liabilities total414.00342.00423.00605.00488.83
Current loans from credit institutions541.00441.00621.00221.0040.08
Current trade creditors105.00306.00524.00279.25
Short-term deferred tax liabilities86.00176.00385.19
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 869.002 842.002 264.002 210.002 274.77
Current liabilities total3 410.003 388.003 277.003 131.002 979.29
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 244.004 669.005 118.005 348.005 301.27
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