SengeSpinderiet ApS

CVR number: 38225294
Nørregade 7, 4100 Ringsted
tel: 22780909

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit4 693.765 986.4211 417.036 629.57
Employee benefit expenses-2 016.46-3 697.20-4 800.99-6 036.40-6 757.50
Total depreciation-56.63-77.46- 128.36- 254.58- 243.78
EBIT814.14919.101 057.075 126.05- 371.71
Other financial income3.2823.91
Other financial expenses-5.75-20.78-87.02- 110.13- 179.43
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets43.8951.38179.93
Pre-tax profit811.67922.241 013.945 067.31- 371.21
Income taxes- 182.27- 195.52- 227.01-1 140.9346.46
Net earnings629.40726.72786.933 926.38- 324.75

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters4 461.44
Machinery and equipment175.08247.29265.46371.46740.62
Tangible assets total175.08378.05369.694 910.61791.80
Other receivables41.1541.15
Investments total41.1541.15
Non-current other receivables41.1541.1571.78
Long term receivables total41.1541.1571.78
Raw materials and consumables477.942 060.192 713.28
Finished products/goods396.05482.32
Inventories total396.05482.32477.942 060.192 713.28
Current trade debtors228.02129.36216.25363.75138.37
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 153.111 860.242 654.70
Prepayments and accrued income166.3692.6623.87120.00
Current other receivables205.00814.622 244.326 821.31
Current deferred tax assets46.46
Short term receivables total1 752.492 082.263 709.452 608.077 126.15
Cash and bank deposits44.05951.39821.62463.15523.98
Cash and cash equivalents44.05951.39821.62463.15523.98
Balance sheet total (assets)2 408.823 935.175 419.8410 083.1711 226.98

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0075.0075.0075.0075.00
Shares repurchased108.00169.50171.60176.70
Retained earnings359.08818.981 374.101 984.335 910.70
Profit of the financial year629.40726.72786.933 926.38- 324.75
Shareholders equity total1 146.481 790.202 407.636 162.415 660.96
Non-current loans from credit institutions182.57186.41192.93
Non-current other liabilities72.12180.54
Non-current liabilities total72.12180.54182.57186.41192.93
Current trade creditors38.28125.51112.7288.891 330.99
Current owed to participating56.7912.50
Current owed to group member209.55
Short-term deferred tax liabilities284.88157.90
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities800.311 665.932 476.693 610.694 007.32
Current liabilities total1 180.251 961.832 798.963 699.575 338.31
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 408.823 935.175 419.8410 083.1711 226.98
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