DS-Wollenberg ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38063359
Banevej 19, 5474 Veflinge

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit989.091 617.911 036.082 136.742 107.72
Employee benefit expenses- 566.62- 825.39- 932.06-1 288.16-1 028.67
Total depreciation-34.61-39.46-33.33-28.17
EBIT387.86753.0570.70820.411 079.05
Other financial income0.024.94
Other financial expenses-3.56-6.04-6.71-0.80-5.79
Pre-tax profit384.30747.0163.99819.641 078.21
Income taxes-86.27- 149.19-17.46- 206.10- 242.99
Net earnings298.03597.8246.53613.53835.22

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment100.9561.4928.17
Tangible assets total100.9561.4928.17
Other receivables24.0024.0024.0024.0024.00
Investments total24.0024.0024.0024.0024.00
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods2 533.41117.39117.3953.7040.00
Inventories total2 533.41117.39117.3953.7040.00
Current trade debtors2.05793.84701.84
Current other receivables106.37235.5274.7135.8310.79
Current deferred tax assets2.1716.27
Short term receivables total108.42235.52870.72753.9510.79
Cash and bank deposits184.91969.78395.771 168.592 607.55
Cash and cash equivalents184.91969.78395.771 168.592 607.55
Balance sheet total (assets)2 951.691 408.181 436.052 000.242 682.35

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased110.60113.00114.40835.22
Retained earnings141.81326.84810.26856.79635.10
Profit of the financial year298.03597.8246.53613.53835.22
Shareholders equity total600.441 087.661 021.191 520.322 355.54
Non-current other liabilities56.89
Non-current liabilities total56.89
Current loans from credit institutions9.8190.1994.1888.251.15
Current trade creditors1 688.2757.2347.22
Short-term deferred tax liabilities76.92144.156.00188.19213.79
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities512.0183.80314.68146.2659.59
Current liabilities total2 287.02318.15414.86479.92321.75
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 951.691 408.181 436.052 000.242 682.35
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