HANDELSANPARTSSELSKABET AF 21.1. 1983 — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 87558010
Sundvænget 22, 2900 Hellerup
tel: 33216500

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 682.001 451.001 182.001 046.001 136.67
Employee benefit expenses- 239.00- 240.00- 239.00- 242.00- 460.28
Total depreciation-88.00-88.00-24.00-58.00-58.00
Reduction in value of non-current assets- 240.00- 527.00978.001 787.00520.00
EBIT1 115.00596.001 897.002 533.001 138.39
Other financial income853.002 041.001 496.00275.00591.34
Other financial expenses-59.00-46.00-85.00-1 536.00-59.40
Net income from associates (fin.)55.0055.0096.0098.00369.44
Pre-tax profit1 964.002 646.003 404.001 370.002 039.77
Income taxes- 416.00- 629.00- 378.00- 287.00- 373.81
Net earnings1 548.002 017.003 026.001 083.001 665.96

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings43 518.0041 041.0042 019.0043 806.0044 326.00
Machinery and equipment306.00219.00555.00498.00439.82
Other tangible assets1 700.001 700.001 700.001 700.001 700.00
Tangible assets total45 524.0042 960.0044 274.0046 004.0046 465.82
Holdings in group member companies902.00938.001 014.00357.00707.58
Investments total902.00938.001 014.00357.00707.58
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.5 590.005 242.004 865.005 095.005 397.50
Prepayments and accrued income18.0015.0026.0019.0024.33
Current other receivables15.0032.0075.0057.0056.69
Current deferred tax assets233.009.00189.00256.0012.66
Short term receivables total5 856.005 298.005 155.005 427.005 491.18
Other current investments4 869.006 565.007 210.005 512.005 397.36
Cash and bank deposits2 438.001 044.00397.00296.00240.33
Cash and cash equivalents7 307.007 609.007 607.005 808.005 637.69
Balance sheet total (assets)59 589.0056 805.0058 050.0057 596.0058 302.27

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Shares repurchased5 000.002 500.002 000.001 000.001 500.00
Other reserves338.00687.58
Retained earnings43 435.0042 483.0042 500.0044 187.0043 420.63
Profit of the financial year1 548.002 017.003 026.001 083.001 665.96
Shareholders equity total50 183.0047 200.0047 726.0046 808.0047 474.17
Provisions7 086.006 948.007 002.007 380.007 590.74
Non-current other liabilities1 176.001 192.001 024.001 020.00977.52
Non-current liabilities total1 176.001 192.001 024.001 020.00977.52
Current loans from credit institutions19.008.001.0018.18
Current owed to participating27.0089.001 104.001 149.00299.54
Current owed to group member748.00810.00837.00844.001 551.88
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities177.00566.00349.00394.00381.95
Accruals and deferred income173.008.29
Current liabilities total1 144.001 465.002 298.002 388.002 259.84
Balance sheet total (liabilities)59 589.0056 805.0058 050.0057 596.0058 302.27
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