Andel A.M.B.A.

CVR number: 68515211
Hovedgaden 36, 4520 Svinninge
tel: 70292911

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
External services-41 000.00-72 000.00
Gross profit-41 000.00-72 000.00
Employee benefit expenses-2 000.00-3 000.00
EBIT-43 000.00-75 000.00
Other financial income8 000.0042 000.00
Other financial expenses-5 000.00-17 000.00
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets-4 031 000.00-5 129 000.00
Net income from associates (fin.)4 923 000.00- 128 000.00
Pre-tax profit852 000.00-5 307 000.00
Income taxes-42 000.00
Net earnings852 000.00-5 349 000.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies21 992 000.0020 214 000.00
Participating interests22 000.0032 000.00
Investments total22 014 000.0020 246 000.00
Non-current loans receivable13 296 000.007 883 000.00
Long term receivables total13 296 000.007 883 000.00
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income1 000.00
Short term receivables total1 000.00
Cash and bank deposits1 818 000.003 711 000.00
Cash and cash equivalents1 818 000.003 711 000.00
Balance sheet total (assets)37 128 000.0031 841 000.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital35 206 000.00
Other reserves6 681 000.004 903 000.00
Retained earnings28 247 000.0030 593 000.00
Profit of the financial year852 000.00-5 349 000.00
Shareholders equity total35 206 000.0035 780 000.0030 147 000.00
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors1 000.0017 000.00
Current owed to group member1 347 000.001 677 000.00
Current liabilities total1 348 000.001 694 000.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)35 206 000.0037 128 000.0031 841 000.00
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