THYHOLM MURER A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 78868619
Flovlevvej 6, Hvidbjerg 7790 Thyholm

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 143.007 772.0015 083.008 727.425 568.55
Costs of management-6 012.10-6 216.88
Costs of distribution- 117.49- 583.12
Other operating expenses-57.70
EBIT-2 474.001 150.006 279.002 597.83-1 289.15
Other financial income208.62340.84
Other financial expenses- 490.44- 407.90
Net income from associates (fin.)- 488.86- 283.26
Pre-tax profit-1 919.00958.004 853.001 827.15-1 639.47
Income taxes- 512.99297.84
Net earnings-1 919.00958.004 853.001 314.16-1 341.63

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters401.10799.36
Buildings3 845.524 466.51
Machinery and equipment386.27219.96
Tangible assets total4 632.895 485.82
Holdings in group member companies1 830.7533.35
Other receivables34 886.0039 615.0045 305.0030.0030.00
Investments total34 886.0039 615.0045 305.001 860.7563.35
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products8 932.90
Raw materials and consumables778.36841.38
Finished products/goods9 557.79
Inventories total9 711.2610 399.18
Current trade debtors17 157.5320 071.89
Current amounts owed by group member comp.4 239.914 000.75
Prepayments and accrued income418.32641.56
Current other receivables1 754.521 363.44
Short term receivables total23 570.2826 077.63
Cash and bank deposits15.16298.27
Cash and cash equivalents15.16298.27
Balance sheet total (assets)34 886.0039 615.0045 305.0039 790.3442 324.26

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital8 706.009 664.0014 317.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased2 400.00
Other reserves1 044.75-2 400.00
Retained earnings1 919.00- 958.00-4 853.0012 522.6312 481.54
Profit of the financial year-1 919.00958.004 853.001 314.16-1 341.63
Shareholders equity total8 706.009 664.0014 317.0015 381.5411 639.91
Provisions3 045.036 816.36
Non-current loans from credit institutions258.12208.91
Non-current leasing loans1 174.151 941.87
Non-current deferred tax liabilities2 925.442 121.30
Non-current liabilities total4 357.704 272.08
Current loans from credit institutions900.92827.48
Advances received3 557.364 959.10
Current trade creditors9 935.069 159.28
Current owed to group member206.81174.29
Short-term deferred tax liabilities819.79
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 405.913 655.96
Current liabilities total17 006.0719 595.90
Balance sheet total (liabilities)8 706.009 664.0014 317.0039 790.3442 324.26
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