AB Consultare ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37577820
Irma Pedersens Gade 70, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 117.63- 280.523 048.40- 364.37- 314.73
EBIT- 117.63- 280.523 048.40- 364.37- 314.73
Other financial income1.671.64562.72648.931 525.26
Other financial expenses3.85-3.06-21.18-78.21- 195.56
Net income from associates (fin.)701.3453 988.0317 469.987 321.321 731.44
Pre-tax profit589.2353 706.0921 059.927 527.662 746.41
Income taxes24.0560.94- 818.25-83.72- 253.02
Net earnings613.2853 767.0320 241.677 443.942 493.39

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment304.00
Tangible assets total304.00
Holdings in group member companies747.9054 734.3572 201.4574 521.0274 251.72
Participating interests62.6664.2567.1268.8769.61
Other receivables1.921.921.92
Investments total810.5654 798.5972 270.4974 591.8174 323.25
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables80.5020.0010.0010.00
Inventories total80.5020.0010.0010.00
Current trade debtors1.801.801.80100.00370.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.5 549.295 535.923 161.46839.59113.89
Prepayments and accrued income3.
Current other receivables12.9229.871 908.1028.6425.57
Current deferred tax assets224.05318.94362.6964.28
Short term receivables total5 791.165 889.645 437.161 035.61637.92
Other current investments450.00
Cash and bank deposits605.80291.513 967.278 541.4419 122.44
Cash and cash equivalents605.80291.513 967.278 541.4419 572.44
Balance sheet total (assets)7 288.0260 999.7581 684.9284 178.8694 837.61

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased55.3056.505 000.002 000.00
Other reserves730.5654 720.1872 188.5774 509.8974 241.33
Retained earnings5 643.21-47 789.64-16 490.99- 570.646 141.86
Profit of the financial year613.2853 767.0320 241.677 443.942 493.39
Shareholders equity total7 092.3560 804.0880 989.2583 433.1982 926.58
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors195.67195.67695.67695.67505.00
Current owed to participating50.00178.03
Current owed to group member11 030.89
Short-term deferred tax liabilities197.12
Current liabilities total195.67195.67695.67745.6711 911.04
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 288.0260 999.7581 684.9284 178.8694 837.61
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