PNO DANMARK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 29173982
Mossvej 17, 8700 Horsens
tel: 86510101

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit50 622.0560 217.4566 687.6375 085.6882 804.43
Employee benefit expenses-3 587.41-4 131.46-3 951.23-4 160.32-4 556.27
Total depreciation-43 851.43-45 633.97-51 937.67-58 216.95-74 367.83
EBIT3 183.2110 452.0110 798.7312 708.413 880.33
Other financial income418.05112.01105.82848.06
Other financial expenses-4 786.94-5 418.30-5 880.35-6 055.04-14 115.82
Pre-tax profit-1 603.735 451.775 030.406 759.19-9 387.42
Income taxes440.15-3 574.00-4 346.861 237.79
Net earnings-1 603.735 891.921 456.402 412.33-8 149.64

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment238 517.79281 626.52292 493.61294 908.94383 457.72
Tangible assets total238 517.79281 626.52292 493.61294 908.94383 457.72
Investments total
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.39 195.83
Long term receivables total39 195.83
Inventories total
Current trade debtors17 621.9118 202.6619 816.6726 424.2532 643.89
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 015.5946.554 640.755 487.97
Prepayments and accrued income3 451.275 804.446 616.41593.93592.77
Current other receivables1 404.32107.93392.711 786.27205.01
Current deferred tax assets440.15350.43
Short term receivables total23 493.0824 601.7231 466.5434 292.4133 792.10
Cash and bank deposits981.496 759.433 158.186 405.508 981.89
Cash and cash equivalents981.496 759.433 158.186 405.508 981.89
Balance sheet total (assets)262 992.36312 987.67327 118.33335 606.85465 427.53

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital600.00600.00600.00600.00700.00
Shares repurchased5 000.0010 900.001 900.002 000.00
Retained earnings7 136.67-5 367.06-1 375.14-1 918.748 393.59
Profit of the financial year-1 603.735 891.921 456.402 412.33-8 149.64
Shareholders equity total11 132.9412 024.862 581.263 093.59943.95
Provisions3 574.007 920.867 033.50
Non-current leasing loans170 947.02195 193.83190 312.77168 609.40235 423.92
Non-current owed to group member30 411.5737 097.0954 571.4766 102.01103 695.72
Non-current deferred tax liabilities132.80417.08
Non-current liabilities total201 491.40232 707.99244 884.24234 711.41339 119.64
Current loans from credit institutions46 690.2854 103.8266 228.8179 386.5896 219.72
Current trade creditors3 244.246 123.916 293.258 671.1910 323.22
Current owed to group member6 209.971 858.36330.189 365.36
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities433.511 817.111 698.411 493.042 422.14
Current liabilities total50 368.0268 254.8276 078.8389 881.00118 330.44
Balance sheet total (liabilities)262 992.36312 987.67327 118.33335 606.85465 427.53
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