XALOCH ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 28901755
Dreyersvej 16, 2960 Rungsted Kyst
tel: 39204412

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 196.47- 221.57- 330.47- 248.50- 234.33
Employee benefit expenses- 257.64- 252.97- 253.44- 251.84- 253.70
Total depreciation-54.54-37.15
EBIT- 508.65- 511.69- 583.91- 500.33- 488.03
Other financial income1 307.855 589.031 205.484 107.095 610.58
Other financial expenses-94.28- 202.42-9 145.73- 255.54- 117.93
Reduction non-current investment assets-3 970.00
Pre-tax profit704.924 874.92-12 494.163 351.225 004.61
Income taxes- 159.13-1 082.991 945.39- 741.75-1 054.42
Net earnings545.793 791.92-10 548.772 609.473 950.19

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment37.15
Tangible assets total37.15
Participating interests7 471.737 333.173 363.173 363.173 363.17
Investments total7 471.737 333.173 363.173 363.173 363.17
Non-current loans receivable1 492.631 492.632 365.70
Long term receivables total1 492.631 492.632 365.70
Inventories total
Current owed by particip. interest comp.6 372.147 021.50146.0423.00
Current other receivables121.78189.63189.15145.77133.86
Current deferred tax assets718.1685.412 147.591 616.68620.67
Short term receivables total7 212.087 296.542 482.771 785.45754.53
Other current investments25 711.6031 107.9924 311.6225 875.6428 003.16
Cash and bank deposits1 264.59122.75772.961 124.5674.97
Cash and cash equivalents26 976.2031 230.7425 084.5827 000.2028 078.12
Balance sheet total (assets)41 697.1645 860.4532 423.1533 641.4634 561.52

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased1 000.002 500.001 000.001 500.004 500.00
Other reserves-1 500.00
Retained earnings39 890.0837 935.8640 727.7928 679.0126 788.49
Profit of the financial year545.793 791.92-10 548.772 609.473 950.19
Shareholders equity total41 560.8644 352.7931 304.0132 913.4933 863.68
Non-current trade creditors26.2830.1921.25125.00
Non-current liabilities total26.2830.1921.25125.00
Current trade creditors41.09
Current owed to participating26.05926.551 077.59677.62563.97
Short-term deferred tax liabilities530.44
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities69.1524.3911.3629.108.86
Current liabilities total136.291 481.381 088.95706.72572.83
Balance sheet total (liabilities)41 697.1645 860.4532 423.1533 641.4634 561.52
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