KØSTER ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 17637649
Rønbjergkrogen 8, 9220 Aalborg Øst
tel: 98158858

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit330.03427.03298.61210.34253.78
Other financial income1.641.721.872.112.11
Other financial expenses- 138.29- 123.99-78.98- 104.76-96.75
Pre-tax profit193.38545.19221.50107.69159.13
Income taxes-45.36-93.54-48.73-23.69-35.01
Net earnings148.02451.64172.7783.99124.12

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters5 171.196 163.116 163.116 163.116 163.11
Tangible assets total5 171.196 163.116 163.116 163.116 163.11
Holdings in group member companies42.5042.5042.5042.5042.50
Investments total42.5042.5042.5042.5042.50
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables13.00
Inventories total13.00
Current other receivables33.2016.23
Short term receivables total33.2016.23
Other current investments118.44118.44118.44118.44118.44
Cash and bank deposits1 282.18377.19401.38494.13146.80
Cash and cash equivalents1 400.62495.63519.82612.57265.24
Balance sheet total (assets)6 627.316 701.246 758.636 818.186 487.08

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Other reserves1 183.911 635.551 808.321 892.312 016.43
Retained earnings- 148.02- 451.64- 172.77-83.99- 124.12
Profit of the financial year148.02451.64172.7783.99124.12
Shareholders equity total1 383.911 835.552 008.322 092.312 216.43
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 804.79497.61470.17442.99415.15
Non-current liabilities total2 804.79497.61470.17442.99415.15
Current loans from credit institutions25.0025.2025.7026.0027.00
Current owed to participating3 982.743 968.533 629.25
Short-term deferred tax liabilities33.58102.27105.76115.4658.70
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 380.044 240.62165.94172.89140.54
Current liabilities total2 438.614 368.094 280.144 282.883 855.49
Balance sheet total (liabilities)6 627.316 701.246 758.636 818.186 487.08
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