SMOKE SOLUTION ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 28109067
Korskildelund 4, 2670 Greve
tel: 56204040

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit554.67792.88673.161 765.701 294.27
Employee benefit expenses- 601.22- 714.61- 684.05-1 926.56-2 167.14
Total depreciation-17.00-13.48-85.98- 103.10- 104.82
EBIT-63.5591.76-96.88- 263.96- 977.70
Other financial income904.46781.56967.761 123.141 127.80
Other financial expenses- 153.47- 438.99- 357.64-76.47-88.55
Pre-tax profit687.44434.33513.25782.7161.55
Income taxes- 149.13-78.83- 120.32- 180.74-28.09
Net earnings538.31355.50392.93601.9833.45

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment67.29249.45184.26181.31100.18
Tangible assets total67.29249.45184.26181.31100.18
Other receivables15.7515.7581.1886.3266.11
Investments total15.7515.7581.1886.3266.11
Non-current other receivables4 433.664 617.264 948.286 297.414 311.92
Long term receivables total4 433.664 617.264 948.286 297.414 311.92
Semifinished products16.3116.31
Raw materials and consumables466.17592.401 063.69190.61151.35
Finished products/goods963.51609.44
Inventories total466.17592.401 063.691 170.42777.09
Current trade debtors83.83653.081 316.67113.5081.92
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 137.041 622.17
Prepayments and accrued income36.6389.1556.7057.70
Current other receivables2 897.343 103.763 824.432 491.386 314.08
Short term receivables total3 017.793 756.847 367.294 283.766 453.69
Cash and bank deposits1 079.89471.475 022.197 353.2510 174.55
Cash and cash equivalents1 079.89471.475 022.197 353.2510 174.55
Balance sheet total (assets)9 080.549 703.1718 666.8819 372.4821 883.54

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings3 874.394 412.694 768.195 799.606 401.57
Profit of the financial year538.31355.50392.93601.9833.45
Shareholders equity total4 537.694 893.195 286.126 526.576 560.03
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions4.094.652.38134.992.06
Advances received52.5050.4050.4097.75
Current trade creditors298.70906.922 326.4131.2485.21
Current owed to participating1 220.0010.8010.8048.9348.93
Current owed to group member2 202.011 522.121 732.524 972.846 384.52
Short-term deferred tax liabilities149.1378.83120.32360.82388.91
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities668.922 234.169 137.937 246.698 316.13
Current liabilities total4 542.854 809.9813 380.7612 845.9015 323.52
Balance sheet total (liabilities)9 080.549 703.1718 666.8819 372.4821 883.54
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