JORGENSEN ENGINEERING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 51452216
M.P. Allerups Vej 20, Fraugde 5220 Odense SØ
tel: 63132222

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales323 211.00343 178.00
Costs of manufacturing- 171 916.00- 153 229.00
External services-16 001.00-17 927.00
Gross profit138 689.00135 295.00172 021.00
Employee benefit expenses- 102 425.00- 109 229.00- 125 896.00
Total depreciation-3 993.00-4 252.00-4 575.00
EBIT32 271.0021 814.0041 551.00
Other financial income- 207.00145.002 404.00
Net income from associates (fin.)-8.00- 326.001 662.00
Pre-tax profit26 270.0025 825.0032 056.0021 633.0045 616.00
Income taxes-7 067.00-4 806.00-9 655.00
Net earnings26 270.0025 825.0024 989.0016 827.0035 961.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure2 426.002 506.002 295.00
Intangible assets total2 426.002 506.002 295.00
Land and waters60 163.0060 765.0058 950.00
Buildings1 688.001 405.001 503.00
Machinery and equipment4 651.003 969.002 572.00
Other tangible assets1.00
Tangible assets total66 502.0066 140.0063 025.00
Holdings in group member companies321.0015.001 646.00
Other non-current investments1.00-1.00
Other receivables233 006.00228 090.001.00
Investments total233 006.00228 090.00322.0016.001 645.00
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods9 294.009 890.0011 332.00
Inventories total9 294.009 890.0011 332.00
Current trade debtors39 812.0027 676.0073 321.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.101 594.0068 507.00101 003.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.718.00
Prepayments and accrued income731.00941.004 166.00
Current other receivables47 995.0076 941.0056 106.00
Current deferred tax assets1 365.005 723.00
Short term receivables total191 497.00180 506.00234 596.00
Cash and bank deposits341.0012.0013.00
Cash and cash equivalents341.0012.0013.00
Balance sheet total (assets)233 006.00228 090.00270 382.00259 070.00312 906.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital99 619.00125 443.0030 000.0030 000.0030 000.00
Shares repurchased24 000.0016 000.0035 000.00
Other reserves1 893.001 955.001 790.00
Retained earnings-26 270.00-25 825.0045 549.0054 496.0036 457.00
Profit of the financial year26 270.0025 825.0024 989.0016 827.0035 961.00
Shareholders equity total99 619.00125 443.00126 431.00119 278.00139 208.00
Provisions18 702.0023 643.0026 483.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions19 178.0018 007.0016 854.00
Non-current liabilities total19 178.0018 007.0016 854.00
Current loans from credit institutions1 517.001 201.001 150.00
Advances received56 070.0047 526.0081 608.00
Current trade creditors33 401.0037 747.0028 847.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities267.002 796.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities14 815.0011 668.0015 961.00
Current liabilities total106 070.0098 142.00130 362.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)99 619.00125 443.00270 381.00259 070.00312 907.00
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