KRONJYLLANDS CAMPING CENTER A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 33387733
Suderholmen 10, 8960 Randers SØ

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit9 093.0911 319.2011 064.119 146.118 348.29
Employee benefit expenses-6 393.93-6 565.58-6 849.39-7 153.50-7 433.75
Total depreciation- 107.31-99.65- 126.13- 155.28- 168.45
EBIT2 591.864 653.974 088.591 837.33746.09
Other financial income57.55143.80
Other financial expenses- 864.04- 395.14- 245.92- 929.50-1 425.12
Pre-tax profit1 785.374 402.633 842.66907.83- 679.03
Income taxes- 392.75- 978.83- 853.39- 200.38145.18
Net earnings1 392.623 423.802 989.27707.45- 533.85

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment97.07147.49345.31405.73870.24
Other tangible assets-0.00
Tangible assets total165.22247.84402.28527.29956.80
Other receivables662.45662.45662.45662.45662.45
Investments total662.45662.45662.45662.45662.45
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods16 257.7615 808.1226 199.1328 133.1526 300.73
Inventories total16 257.7615 808.1226 199.1328 133.1526 300.73
Current trade debtors2 110.591 229.461 734.061 307.923 922.51
Current amounts owed by group member comp.183.411 293.53
Prepayments and accrued income37.6024.2823.0327.7926.80
Current other receivables924.63378.9256.11275.88205.43
Current deferred tax assets84.2545.7037.9043.90189.08
Short term receivables total3 340.482 971.891 851.101 655.494 343.82
Cash and bank deposits59.13538.4142.5647.6043.94
Cash and cash equivalents59.13538.4142.5647.6043.94
Balance sheet total (assets)20 485.0420 228.7129 157.5231 025.9732 307.75

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.001 000.00
Share premium account4 500.00
Shares repurchased5 000.003 000.00700.00
Retained earnings3 586.25-21.13402.672 691.943 399.39
Profit of the financial year1 392.623 423.802 989.27707.45- 533.85
Shareholders equity total5 478.878 902.676 891.944 599.398 365.54
Non-current loans from credit institutions4 956.64
Non-current deferred tax liabilities337.111 019.39881.95206.38
Non-current liabilities total5 293.751 019.39881.95206.38
Current loans from credit institutions465.432 086.8710 498.4713 095.61
Advances received43.9220.96
Current trade creditors5 814.165 333.6313 326.738 163.028 174.04
Current owed to participating5 034.50315.45
Current owed to group member4 032.85
Short-term deferred tax liabilities337.111 019.3935.27
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 432.844 635.92873.862 503.252 321.83
Current liabilities total9 712.4210 306.6521 383.6226 220.2023 942.20
Balance sheet total (liabilities)20 485.0420 228.7129 157.5231 025.9732 307.75
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