Travel Operations Business A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41097272
Kirsten Walthers Vej 8, 2500 Valby

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit458.993 064.324 287.076 006.45
Employee benefit expenses-2 268.31-3 678.78-3 960.14-4 911.24
Total depreciation-2 211.14-2 037.63-2 032.51-1 492.92
EBIT-4 020.46-2 652.10-1 705.58- 397.70
Other financial income18.100.03
Other financial expenses- 100.83- 167.63- 344.88- 275.49
Pre-tax profit-4 121.29-2 801.63-2 050.43- 673.19
Income taxes906.671 121.59478.91181.74
Net earnings-3 214.62-1 680.04-1 571.52- 491.45

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure2 414.232 901.362 982.463 475.87
Intangible rights1 375.00458.33
Intangible assets total4 426.733 922.203 469.963 888.37
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors189.14882.261 186.091 290.66
Current amounts owed by group member comp.108.28
Prepayments and accrued income4.6395.02338.4127.98
Current other receivables37.26117.6983.34
Current deferred tax assets906.672 028.261 144.431 181.09
Short term receivables total1 137.703 123.232 860.552 499.74
Cash and bank deposits417.5536.18198.45
Cash and cash equivalents417.5536.18198.45
Balance sheet total (assets)5 981.987 045.436 366.686 586.56

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.00
Other reserves1 883.102 263.062 263.062 711.18
Retained earnings-1 883.10-5 477.69-7 157.72-9 177.36
Profit of the financial year-3 214.62-1 680.04-1 571.52- 491.45
Shareholders equity total-2 214.62-3 894.66-5 466.18-5 957.63
Non-current deferred tax liabilities670.60221.28237.34247.74
Non-current liabilities total670.60221.28237.34247.74
Current loans from credit institutions14.47
Advances received107.93423.77661.89992.04
Current trade creditors32.81141.16160.1056.48
Current owed to group member6 149.549 361.5410 253.099 851.35
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 235.72777.88520.45911.55
Current liabilities total7 526.0010 718.8111 595.5211 811.42
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 981.987 045.436 366.686 586.56
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