CAVIAN ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 34210845
Amaliegade 30, 1256 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales521.601 992.002 848.45
External services-20.34-21.14-18.14
Gross profit501.261 970.862 830.311 100.45
Employee benefit expenses-44.38- 776.27- 757.27- 114.93
Other operating expenses-36.83
EBIT456.881 194.592 073.04- 132.881 063.62
Other financial expenses-39.88-24.17-7.66
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets-5.967.6942.37144.06
Net income from associates (fin.)434.34957.55-1 320.4218.25
Pre-tax profit845.382 127.97752.65-72.261 207.68
Income taxes-22.08- 524.27- 157.99-11.09
Net earnings823.301 603.71594.66-72.261 196.60

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Participating interests1 911.053 399.751 851.341 558.57
Investments total1 911.053 399.751 851.341 558.57
Non-current loans receivable16.04
Non-current other receivables2 072.66
Long term receivables total16.042 072.66
Inventories total
Current owed by particip. interest comp.395.82405.37
Prepayments and accrued income43.2441.4540.7646.00
Current other receivables807.27831.07
Short term receivables total43.2441.451 243.851 282.44
Other current investments997.63
Cash and bank deposits1 200.18873.631 252.971 268.452 246.85
Cash and cash equivalents1 200.18873.631 252.971 268.453 244.49
Balance sheet total (assets)3 170.504 314.834 348.164 109.465 317.14

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Other reserves32.27989.822 385.302 385.302 385.30
Retained earnings1 047.78913.531 121.761 716.421 644.16
Profit of the financial year823.301 603.71594.66-72.261 196.60
Shareholders equity total1 983.353 587.064 181.724 109.465 306.05
Non-current deferred tax liabilities11.09
Non-current liabilities total11.09
Current owed to participating1 154.39108.33
Short-term deferred tax liabilities22.08546.34132.56
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities10.6873.0933.88
Current liabilities total1 187.15727.77166.44
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 170.504 314.834 348.164 109.465 317.14
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