UDVIKLINGSSELSKABET BY & HAVN I/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 30823702
Nordre Toldbod 7, 1259 København K
tel: 33769804

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales539.00360.00462.00507.66584.40
Other operating income0.141.17
External services- 188.37- 210.01
Gross profit539.00360.00462.00319.43375.56
Employee benefit expenses- 101.39- 117.22
Total depreciation-34.28-30.18
Reduction in value of non-current assets1 529.51- 840.04
Other financial expenses- 640.09- 344.70
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets3.7760.34
Net income from associates (fin.)199.25136.72
Pre-tax profit- 253.3080.52
Income taxes1 529.51- 840.04
Net earnings1 276.21- 759.51

Assets (mDKK)

Intangible rights0.736.01
Intangible assets total0.736.01
Land and waters471.19365.06
Buildings10 250.0610 783.31
Machinery and equipment6.4922.46
Advance payments and construction in progress247.37646.55
Other tangible assets551.50529.42
Tangible assets total11 526.6112 346.80
Holdings in group member companies196.84158.74
Participating interests174.78174.78
Other shares and similar rights of ownership672.00800.57
Other receivables15 836.0015 911.0016 190.00
Investments total15 836.0015 911.0016 190.001 043.611 134.08
Non-current loans receivable479.92487.48
Non-current other receivables3.853.90
Long term receivables total483.77491.38
Inventories total
Current trade debtors191.99196.74
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 167.631 797.18
Current owed by particip. interest comp.525.23572.82
Prepayments and accrued income11.473.44
Current other receivables343.19515.14
Short term receivables total2 239.513 085.31
Other current investments1 550.671 594.33
Cash and bank deposits327.61479.69
Cash and cash equivalents1 878.282 074.02
Balance sheet total (assets)15 836.0015 911.0016 190.0017 172.5119 137.60

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital-3 074.00-3 049.00-1 617.00504.56504.56
Other reserves189.60151.51
Retained earnings-2 312.85- 997.74
Profit of the financial year1 276.21- 759.51
Shareholders equity total-3 074.00-3 049.00-1 617.00- 342.47-1 101.18
Non-current loans from credit institutions13 679.4415 137.99
Non-current leasing loans35.2830.83
Non-current owed to group member747.47745.40
Non-current other liabilities57.3861.53
Non-current liabilities total14 519.5715 975.74
Current loans from credit institutions2 073.082 895.94
Advances received77.73242.72
Current trade creditors558.79740.97
Current owed to participating2.782.57
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities205.11301.87
Current liabilities total2 917.494 184.07
Balance sheet total (liabilities)-3 074.00-3 049.00-1 617.0017 172.5119 137.60
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