KEIL SMEDE- OG MASKINSERVICE ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36018909
Askeåsen 28, 2765 Smørum

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales5 625.245 281.529 991.6514 411.9510 139.60
Change in finished goods inventory350.00400.00- 600.00- 450.00547.97
Purchases during the financial year-2 075.70-2 050.75-3 920.89-5 910.87-3 986.41
External services- 436.72- 385.33- 412.12- 502.28- 497.86
Gross profit3 462.823 245.445 058.657 548.796 203.31
Employee benefit expenses-2 229.93-2 265.86-2 499.63-2 584.44-2 483.73
Total depreciation-72.40-72.40-67.66-64.40-64.40
EBIT1 160.49907.182 491.364 899.953 655.18
Other financial expenses-17.85-13.18-8.62-17.44
Pre-tax profit1 142.64893.992 482.744 882.513 655.18
Income taxes- 253.20- 197.93- 547.55-1 075.99- 806.88
Net earnings889.44696.071 935.193 806.522 848.30

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total901.60837.20772.80708.40644.00
Machinery and equipment11.263.26
Tangible assets total11.263.26
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products850.001 250.00650.00200.00747.97
Raw materials and consumables188.00217.00234.00266.00162.27
Inventories total1 038.001 467.00884.00466.00910.24
Current trade debtors595.661 692.683 484.433 375.312 923.08
Current amounts owed by group member comp.494.99
Prepayments and accrued income12.0012.0012.0012.0012.00
Current other receivables15.34
Short term receivables total607.661 704.683 496.433 897.642 935.08
Cash and bank deposits3 234.69879.631 819.943 834.163 903.52
Cash and cash equivalents3 234.69879.631 819.943 834.163 903.52
Balance sheet total (assets)5 793.214 891.776 973.188 906.208 392.84

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased2 000.001 000.003 000.003 000.00
Retained earnings1 304.841 194.281 890.35- 174.46632.06
Profit of the financial year889.44696.071 935.193 806.522 848.30
Shareholders equity total4 244.282 940.353 875.546 682.066 530.36
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors168.4796.90196.05215.0485.15
Current owed to group member471.45735.45945.4693.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities264.00210.01559.551 087.99819.42
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities428.49705.691 198.93731.25698.09
Accruals and deferred income31.0730.0036.2940.5030.00
Current liabilities total1 363.481 778.062 936.282 074.791 725.66
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 793.214 891.776 973.188 906.208 392.84
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