SDKbiler ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27414494
Fredrikstadvej 7, 9200 Aalborg SV
tel: 98183600

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit34 662.0030 190.0034 680.0021 098.9621 063.19
Costs of management-16 573.44-17 924.86
Employee benefit expenses-30 207.00-24 883.00-27 081.00
Total depreciation-2 783.00-3 567.00-3 200.00
EBIT1 672.001 740.004 399.004 525.523 138.33
Other financial income41.0030.0025.0083.7685.48
Other financial expenses- 655.00- 574.00- 867.00-1 539.19-2 231.65
Net income from associates (fin.)548.72
Pre-tax profit1 058.001 196.003 557.003 070.081 540.88
Income taxes- 232.00- 262.00- 848.00- 675.93- 264.86
Net earnings826.00934.002 709.002 394.161 276.02

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters17 063.0016 305.0015 546.3814 788.02
Buildings33 939.0015 571.0015 048.0013 946.7612 788.65
Machinery and equipment14 205.0012 318.0021 433.0016.8353.91
Tangible assets total48 144.0044 952.0052 786.0029 509.9727 630.58
Holdings in group member companies20 718.62
Investments total20 718.62
Non-current loans receivable802.00802.00401.00400.68400.68
Non-current other receivables187.20
Long term receivables total802.00802.00401.00400.68587.88
Raw materials and consumables58 179.8261 811.62
Finished products/goods17 878.0020 145.0018 498.00
Advance payments79.00500.00572.73272.04
Inventories total17 957.0020 145.0018 998.0058 752.5562 083.66
Current trade debtors4 097.008 450.007 128.007 237.788 037.35
Prepayments and accrued income318.00305.00371.00375.06445.66
Current other receivables132.005 565.005 413.001 097.141 341.14
Current deferred tax assets119.80
Short term receivables total4 547.0014 320.0012 912.008 709.989 943.94
Cash and bank deposits62.00553.0037.0031.81122.15
Cash and cash equivalents62.00553.0037.0031.81122.15
Balance sheet total (assets)71 512.0080 772.0085 134.0097 404.99121 086.83

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.002 000.00
Other reserves548.72
Retained earnings24 479.0025 305.0026 239.0026 661.2647 676.60
Profit of the financial year826.00934.002 709.002 394.161 276.02
Shareholders equity total26 305.0027 239.0029 948.0030 055.4251 501.34
Provisions3 576.004 641.003 320.001 328.641 713.31
Non-current other liabilities2 600.004 359.003 239.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities3 353.2621 469.97
Non-current liabilities total2 600.004 359.003 239.003 353.2621 469.97
Current loans from credit institutions3 530.009 700.0017 143.007 763.2331 493.07
Advances received192.0063.72
Current trade creditors3 590.003 387.003 882.003 022.215 356.86
Current owed to group member19 412.0019 477.0017 869.0038 992.8144.61
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities12 499.0011 969.009 541.009 693.706 208.62
Accruals and deferred income3 132.003 299.06
Current liabilities total39 031.0044 533.0048 627.0062 667.6646 402.22
Balance sheet total (liabilities)71 512.0080 772.0085 134.0097 404.99121 086.83
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