Holberg Fenger Invest ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42868604
Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 2720 Vanløse
tel: 35353131

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit40 335.7838 591.3743 809.8544 133.45
Employee benefit expenses-4 768.25-4 829.42-5 612.09-5 869.06
Total depreciation-18.93-33.77-67.54-33.77
Reduction in value of non-current assets-36 281.47-12 317.51
EBIT35 548.5933 728.171 848.7425 913.11
Other financial income3 016.22397.8114 603.771 704.35
Other financial expenses-7 370.20-9 869.81-13 858.73-16 503.61
Exchange rate differences5 585.9423 824.37
Pre-tax profit36 780.5548 080.552 593.7911 113.85
Income taxes-11 707.28-13 021.08- 578.37-1 859.32
Net earnings25 073.2735 059.472 015.429 254.53

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings674 650.14699 789.00663 546.00640 342.00
Machinery and equipment628.58932.52864.98831.21
Tangible assets total675 278.73700 721.52664 410.98641 173.21
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors521.602 856.064 912.632 353.32
Current amounts owed by group member comp.62 750.86940.639 564.6742 837.31
Prepayments and accrued income394.20928.6713.95269.28
Current other receivables2 481.021 745.335 150.631 272.28
Short term receivables total66 147.686 470.6919 641.8846 732.20
Cash and bank deposits61 858.3221 657.9750 091.4569 466.74
Cash and cash equivalents61 858.3221 657.9750 091.4569 466.74
Balance sheet total (assets)803 284.73728 850.17734 144.31757 372.14

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.0040.00
Retained earnings290 663.97-8 745.5626 313.9228 329.34
Profit of the financial year25 073.2735 059.472 015.429 254.53
Shareholders equity total315 777.2426 353.9228 369.3437 623.87
Provisions89 445.0697 978.2492 876.2390 760.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions285 732.00270 992.17239 101.12225 969.67
Non-current owed to group member149 205.49154 065.21
Non-current other liabilities15 207.69245 668.5110 868.6910 212.20
Non-current deferred tax liabilities85 297.9486 426.13
Non-current liabilities total300 939.69516 660.68484 473.25476 673.21
Current bonds11 763.65
Current loans from credit institutions14 718.7214 810.0525 657.9523 795.29
Advances received330.75842.23135.751 911.15
Current trade creditors851.251 018.461 761.2118 389.06
Current owed to group member64 490.9945 031.3188 739.8699 096.39
Short-term deferred tax liabilities10 496.4114 391.645 680.385 680.38
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities6 234.636 450.343 442.79
Current liabilities total97 122.7487 857.34128 425.49152 315.06
Balance sheet total (liabilities)803 284.73728 850.17734 144.31757 372.14
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