JØRGEN BORK ELECTRONIC ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 25809858
Åvej 30 A, Hareskov 3500 Værløse
tel: 44488860

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit959.40673.291 404.501 271.84502.34
Employee benefit expenses- 581.97- 624.36- 644.85- 708.17- 534.60
Total depreciation-5.54
Other financial income69.7482.5589.4489.88114.03
Other financial expenses-19.61-19.39-32.04-48.28-3.76
Net income from associates (fin.)100.9799.66101.0884.6966.73
Pre-tax profit522.99211.74918.13689.97144.74
Income taxes-93.43-24.85- 181.46- 133.16-11.04
Net earnings429.56186.89736.67556.81133.70

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies652.87752.53853.61938.30255.03
Investments total652.87752.53853.61938.30255.03
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.1 818.062 083.372 244.42
Long term receivables total1 818.062 083.372 244.42
Inventories total
Current trade debtors474.68395.13566.46872.7791.92
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 302.563 054.12
Prepayments and accrued income1.25
Current other receivables0.6019.4959.9173.48
Current deferred tax assets41.2041.0746.2336.4158.60
Short term receivables total516.48437.45632.193 271.643 278.13
Cash and bank deposits2 274.351 865.882 271.172 636.842 706.55
Cash and cash equivalents2 274.351 865.882 271.172 636.842 706.55
Balance sheet total (assets)5 261.765 139.226 001.396 846.796 239.70

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased120.0060.0067.50
Other reserves652.87752.53793.61938.30255.03
Retained earnings3 522.833 852.733 818.544 410.525 549.55
Profit of the financial year429.56186.89736.67556.81133.70
Shareholders equity total4 730.264 917.155 593.826 090.636 130.79
Non-current owed to group member12.55
Non-current liabilities total12.55
Current trade creditors213.8187.48161.42395.4226.72
Short-term deferred tax liabilities119.7926.22186.29290.0654.65
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities197.90108.3759.8570.6815.00
Current liabilities total531.50222.07407.56756.1696.37
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 261.765 139.226 001.396 846.796 239.70
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