PCAR A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 33874138
Birkemose Allé 37, 6000 Kolding

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 176.54879.44-49.59- 433.37-10.36
Costs of management- 536.11- 496.82- 243.01- 189.83-37.09
Costs of distribution-2 380.48-1 574.21- 914.79- 315.57-28.29
EBIT-1 740.05-1 191.59-1 207.39- 938.77-75.75
Other financial income4.294.330.404.16
Other financial expenses-11.92-18.73-22.38-72.01-11.03
Pre-tax profit-1 747.68-1 205.99-1 229.76-1 010.38-82.62
Income taxes382.94264.43-27.71502.25
Net earnings-1 364.74- 941.56-1 257.47-1 010.38419.63

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment151.8891.7531.61
Tangible assets total151.8891.7531.61
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods1 902.88864.38940.00
Advance payments224.09194.19
Inventories total2 126.971 058.57940.00
Current trade debtors716.54318.14402.4731.25
Current amounts owed by group member comp.49.35709.01
Current other receivables19.166.044.504.506.58
Current deferred tax assets390.09353.8332.2832.28534.53
Short term receivables total1 125.79678.01439.25117.381 250.12
Cash and bank deposits811.6248.9038.81198.46209.26
Cash and cash equivalents811.6248.9038.81198.46209.26
Balance sheet total (assets)4 216.261 877.241 449.67315.841 459.37

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Retained earnings-1 984.49-3 349.23-4 290.79-5 548.26- 858.64
Profit of the financial year-1 364.74- 941.56-1 257.47-1 010.38419.63
Shareholders equity total-2 849.23-3 790.79-5 048.26-6 058.6460.99
Capital loans2 000.002 000.002 000.002 000.00
Non-current other liabilities134.06135.57
Non-current liabilities total2 134.062 135.572 000.002 000.00
Current loans from credit institutions1 169.40141.291 426.821 341.45
Current trade creditors510.12288.9218.1529.5225.00
Current owed to group member3 000.003 000.123 000.552 993.261 373.38
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities251.91102.1352.4110.25
Current liabilities total4 931.433 532.464 497.944 374.481 398.38
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 216.261 877.241 449.67315.841 459.37
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