LYGAMA Trading ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40562389
Tvindelstrupvej 19, Tvindelstrup 4100 Ringsted

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 595.291 433.143 390.59383.121 972.43
Employee benefit expenses- 635.37- 891.78- 845.73- 974.93- 887.16
Total depreciation-16.99- 115.00- 127.64- 174.22- 286.09
EBIT942.93426.362 417.22- 766.03799.18
Other financial income1.5211.12
Other financial expenses-7.01-14.60-18.36-6.56-17.77
Pre-tax profit935.91411.752 398.86- 771.07792.53
Income taxes- 205.89-90.93- 529.82167.00- 174.41
Net earnings730.03320.831 869.04- 604.07618.12

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment558.00443.00328.00915.66732.14
Tangible assets total558.00443.00441.811 109.461 333.37
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables71.0032.0087.50494.71185.25
Advance payments30.0060.0030.0060.00
Inventories total101.0092.00117.50494.71245.25
Current trade debtors73.390.99208.31378.31317.17
Current amounts owed by group member comp.4.616.648.59162.22
Current other receivables214.71109.311 995.05684.031 580.52
Current deferred tax assets148.219.46
Short term receivables total288.10114.902 210.001 219.142 069.38
Cash and bank deposits412.82935.441 426.53479.24196.45
Cash and cash equivalents412.82935.441 426.53479.24196.45
Balance sheet total (assets)1 359.931 585.344 195.843 302.553 844.45

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.0040.0040.00
Retained earnings0.00730.031 050.852 919.892 315.82
Profit of the financial year730.03320.831 869.04- 604.07618.12
Shareholders equity total770.031 090.852 959.892 355.822 973.94
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors259.55250.44652.24870.55750.25
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities302.46217.75564.9176.19120.26
Current liabilities total562.01468.181 217.15946.73870.51
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 359.931 585.344 195.843 302.553 844.45
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