SAKURA FINETEK DENMARK ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 29599823
Vibeholms Allé 15, 2605 Brøndby
tel: 88969480

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit12 810.0013 406.2112 586.52-10 619.64-12 050.41
Employee benefit expenses-10 971.24-11 913.08-11 199.81-9 976.23-11 631.40
Total depreciation- 284.29- 138.50-43.35-16.38-25.04
EBIT1 554.471 354.631 343.36-20 612.24-23 706.85
Other financial income609.03583.4411.40- 673.43- 749.76
Other financial expenses-82.40- 103.56- 178.10-30.20-29.80
Pre-tax profit2 081.101 834.511 176.66-1 270.26-1 113.92
Income taxes- 457.83- 403.56- 258.86279.44246.04
Net earnings1 623.271 430.95917.80- 990.82- 867.89

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment249.6361.1617.81129.97
Tangible assets total249.6361.1617.81129.97
Other receivables279.73279.73275.7422 475.381 875.47
Investments total279.73279.73275.7422 475.381 875.47
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables443.23612.471 051.64
Inventories total443.23612.471 051.64
Current trade debtors4 371.693 948.483 870.202 610.62
Current amounts owed by group member comp.8 123.8112 096.4810 707.0922 016.42
Prepayments and accrued income56.18196.841 032.92
Current other receivables20.133.16
Current deferred tax assets28.1348.8442.8020.51
Short term receivables total12 543.7716 153.1414 816.9225 680.47
Cash and bank deposits2 260.962 781.672 297.91
Cash and cash equivalents2 260.962 781.672 297.91
Balance sheet total (assets)15 334.0919 718.9318 020.8422 475.3828 737.56

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital126.00126.00126.00126.00126.00
Retained earnings4 979.836 603.108 034.0610 933.5011 678.46
Profit of the financial year1 623.271 430.95917.80- 990.82- 867.89
Shareholders equity total6 729.108 160.069 077.8610 068.6810 936.57
Non-current liabilities total
Advances received1 550.561 912.272 258.381 931.672 464.50
Current trade creditors133.23501.28152.39144.72947.81
Current owed to group member2 767.531 340.076 412.6710 826.12
Short-term deferred tax liabilities819.79711.41388.29163.98152.78
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities6 039.215 613.894 690.313 570.003 246.92
Current liabilities total8 542.7911 506.388 829.4412 223.0517 638.13
Balance sheet total (liabilities)15 334.0919 718.9318 020.8422 475.3828 737.56
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