Asbjørn Biler ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38494457
Ved Faurgården 5 B, 4300 Holbæk
tel: 59451812

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 406.972 312.642 549.961 299.781 788.33
Employee benefit expenses- 914.76-1 171.12-1 378.53-1 554.99-1 489.39
Total depreciation-34.29-64.27-66.04-86.15-78.23
EBIT457.921 077.251 105.39- 341.36220.71
Other financial income2.3713.6714.2236.72100.73
Other financial expenses- 348.05- 458.89- 462.71- 462.62- 837.31
Net income from associates (fin.)121.79- 161.79
Pre-tax profit112.24753.82495.12- 767.26- 515.87
Income taxes-28.05- 143.99- 143.94157.7198.06
Net earnings84.19609.83351.18- 609.55- 417.81

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment78.0755.8128.15132.2160.89
Tangible assets total505.68505.25478.18643.80869.48
Holdings in group member companies145.79
Participating interests718.35886.41
Investments total145.79718.35886.41
Non-current other receivables220.74385.53551.39
Long term receivables total220.74385.53551.39
Raw materials and consumables1 142.901 054.495 296.743 971.75970.59
Inventories total1 142.901 054.495 296.743 971.75970.59
Current trade debtors677.762 528.14749.00495.481 561.43
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 030.911 069.65
Prepayments and accrued income99.22170.4271.21
Current other receivables10.05257.89633.38525.06537.35
Current deferred tax assets98.25208.31
Short term receivables total787.032 956.451 453.602 149.703 376.74
Cash and bank deposits807.33316.85947.16
Cash and cash equivalents807.33316.85947.16
Balance sheet total (assets)3 463.675 364.357 779.917 483.607 050.38

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased114.40
Other reserves121.79
Retained earnings249.40211.81829.021 180.20570.65
Profit of the financial year84.19609.83351.18- 609.55- 417.81
Shareholders equity total383.59993.421 344.60620.65202.84
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 360.841 289.121 645.81600.00
Non-current trade creditors327.441 236.32
Non-current other liabilities58.74
Non-current deferred tax liabilities144.9943.63
Non-current liabilities total1 419.591 289.121 790.81971.071 236.32
Current loans from credit institutions66.2371.722 763.184 272.52585.40
Current trade creditors1 374.782 208.221 009.24996.323 766.15
Current owed to participating99.35403.95618.08389.561 122.50
Short-term deferred tax liabilities146.25141.62
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities78.21171.5343.92233.48137.18
Current liabilities total1 618.563 001.684 576.055 891.895 611.23
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 463.675 364.357 779.917 483.607 050.38
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