VSLL ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35652787
Irisvej 7, 8260 Viby J
tel: 30577007

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-45.32-21.07-16.80-5.69-12.31
Other financial income2 786.121 215.930.07124.3188.72
Other financial expenses-13.01-1.78- 385.08-0.54-3.39
Pre-tax profit2 727.801 193.08- 401.81118.0873.02
Income taxes-4.31- 145.00
Net earnings2 723.491 048.08- 401.81118.0873.02

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables1.361.71
Current deferred tax assets8.858.850.350.0212.06
Short term receivables total8.858.850.351.3713.77
Other current investments2 583.853 465.853 103.993 055.203 143.76
Cash and bank deposits67.23377.8112.7727.741.55
Cash and cash equivalents2 651.083 843.663 116.773 082.943 145.31
Balance sheet total (assets)2 659.933 852.513 117.113 084.313 159.09

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased117.80122.00
Retained earnings- 129.202 594.283 306.762 787.152 783.22
Profit of the financial year2 723.491 048.08- 401.81118.0873.02
Shareholders equity total2 644.283 692.362 954.953 073.033 028.25
Non-current deferred tax liabilities145.00
Non-current liabilities total145.00
Current trade creditors5.
Current owed to participating119.78
Short-term deferred tax liabilities4.314.31151.21
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities6.335.835.956.296.06
Current liabilities total15.6515.15162.1611.29130.84
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 659.933 852.513 117.113 084.313 159.09
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