UNIONKUL KATTEGATVEJ II ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 34711275
Kalkbrænderiløbskaj 4, 2100 København Ø

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit477.00387.00216.00579.00374.72
Reduction in value of non-current assets2 973.00- 200.001 197.001 237.00-1 009.41
EBIT3 450.00187.001 413.001 816.00- 634.69
Other financial expenses-7.00-8.00-8.00- 110.00- 201.43
Pre-tax profit3 443.00179.001 405.001 706.00- 836.11
Income taxes- 758.00-39.00- 309.00- 375.00183.94
Net earnings2 685.00140.001 096.001 331.00- 652.17

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings11 700.0011 500.008 400.009 700.008 700.00
Machinery and equipment46.0046.0046.0046.0046.06
Tangible assets total11 746.0011 546.008 446.009 746.008 746.06
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors148.00224.006.007.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.552.00302.00353.00
Prepayments and accrued income155.00159.00163.00167.00172.33
Current other receivables37.00
Current deferred tax assets951.00
Short term receivables total855.00685.001 510.00174.00172.33
Cash and bank deposits31.002.00111.0096.00115.01
Cash and cash equivalents31.002.00111.0096.00115.01
Balance sheet total (assets)12 632.0012 233.0010 067.0010 016.009 033.40

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Shares repurchased552.00302.007 705.00
Retained earnings6 782.009 165.00-1 754.00- 660.00670.16
Profit of the financial year2 685.00140.001 096.001 331.00- 652.17
Shareholders equity total10 099.009 687.007 127.00751.0098.00
Provisions1 735.001 755.002 064.001 450.001 265.63
Non-current owed to group member6 665.006 494.72
Non-current deferred tax liabilities19.0044.00
Non-current liabilities total19.006 709.006 494.72
Advances received5.0071.0023.00122.02
Current trade creditors216.00246.00216.00233.00256.37
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities582.00521.00589.00850.00796.66
Current liabilities total798.00772.00876.001 106.001 175.05
Balance sheet total (liabilities)12 632.0012 233.0010 067.0010 016.009 033.40
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