INVESTERINGSSELSKABET LAUTRUP, VEJLE A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 18592134
Flegmade 6 B, 7100 Vejle

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
External services-34.88-32.96-29.64-27.22-85.82
Gross profit-34.88-32.96-29.64-27.22-85.82
Employee benefit expenses- 360.40- 270.40- 240.63- 240.00-60.00
EBIT- 395.28- 303.36- 270.27- 267.22- 145.82
Other financial income10 415.748 593.49654.869 039.566 665.77
Other financial expenses-80.97-3.76-3 824.39-37.52-34.10
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets400.00300.00300.00
Pre-tax profit10 339.498 586.38-3 139.808 734.826 485.85
Income taxes-2 175.29-1 811.81768.59-1 998.22-1 404.88
Net earnings8 164.206 774.57-2 371.206 736.595 080.97

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable4 386.904 686.904 986.904 986.904 986.90
Long term receivables total4 386.904 686.904 986.904 986.904 986.90
Inventories total
Current other receivables3.353.735.98
Current deferred tax assets123.581 014.69213.76
Short term receivables total126.933.731 020.67213.76
Other current investments36 339.0642 459.4835 168.8245 080.5348 433.54
Cash and bank deposits6 064.261 230.233 078.021 363.643 229.15
Cash and cash equivalents42 403.3343 689.7138 246.8446 444.1851 662.69
Balance sheet total (assets)46 917.1648 380.3444 254.4251 644.8356 649.59

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital4 000.004 000.004 000.004 000.004 000.00
Shares repurchased113.0057.2058.90311.00350.00
Retained earnings32 625.1535 832.1442 547.8139 865.6146 252.20
Profit of the financial year8 164.206 774.57-2 371.206 736.595 080.97
Shareholders equity total44 902.3446 663.9144 235.5150 913.2055 683.17
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors10.5010.5010.5010.5010.50
Short-term deferred tax liabilities1 953.511 689.11694.81955.92
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities50.8216.828.4126.33
Current liabilities total2 014.821 716.4318.91731.63966.42
Balance sheet total (liabilities)46 917.1648 380.3444 254.4251 644.8356 649.59
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