TDC Holding A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 14773908
Teglholmsgade 1, 2450 København SV
tel: 70703000

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales17 044.0016 089.0016 002.00874.00729.00
Other operating income184.00173.00184.009.002.00
Costs of manufacturing-4 945.00-4 626.00-4 914.00
External services-2 375.00-2 044.00-1 886.00- 480.00- 306.00
Gross profit12 099.0011 463.0011 088.00403.00425.00
Employee benefit expenses-3 384.00-3 172.00-2 959.00-8.00-24.00
Other operating expenses- 194.00- 192.00- 424.00-51.004.00
Total depreciation-5 164.00-4 936.00-4 187.00- 359.00-93.00
EBIT1 166.001 292.001 816.00-15.00312.00
Other financial income9 474.001 257.00
Other financial expenses- 995.00-1 056.00-1 141.00-4 222.00-1 353.00
Pre-tax profit171.00236.00675.005 237.00216.00
Income taxes9.00-85.00- 279.0031.00-88.00
Net earnings180.00151.00396.005 268.00128.00

Assets (mDKK)

Intangible rights24 903.0024 498.0024 652.00
Intangible assets total24 903.0024 498.0024 652.00
Advance payments and construction in progress33.0023.0018.00
Other tangible assets14 719.0015 941.0016 852.00261.00245.00
Tangible assets total14 752.0015 964.0016 870.00261.00245.00
Holdings in group member companies30 081.0029 038.00
Participating interests70.00
Other non-current investments11 968.0011 540.0013 783.0013 527.0013 702.00
Investments total12 038.0011 540.0013 783.0043 608.0042 740.00
Non-current other receivables194.00200.0043.004.002.00
Long term receivables total194.00200.0043.004.002.00
Inventories total232.00200.00252.00
Current trade debtors1 854.001 656.001 444.0020.0037.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.5.00
Prepayments and accrued income1 019.001 067.00934.0018.007.00
Current other receivables320.0062.0033.006 792.00765.00
Current deferred tax assets174.008.00
Fair value of financial assets45.0088.00
Short term receivables total3 198.003 004.002 499.006 838.00809.00
Cash and bank deposits1 577.00434.00798.001 433.00326.00
Cash and cash equivalents1 577.00434.00798.001 433.00326.00
Balance sheet total (assets)56 894.0055 840.0058 897.0052 144.0044 122.00

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital812.00812.00812.00812.00812.00
Other reserves- 133.00-96.0017 131.00-6.00
Retained earnings14 425.0014 387.0016 070.0033 999.0035 649.00
Profit of the financial year180.00151.00396.005 268.00128.00
Minority interest (BS)2.00
Shareholders equity total15 286.0015 254.0034 409.0040 073.0036 589.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions22 976.0022 690.0017 850.00
Non-current leasing loans4 751.003 818.003 657.003 170.002 950.00
Non-current owed to participating2 114.001 438.00
Non-current other liabilities138.00381.002 157.0018.0019.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities3 406.003 386.003 996.002 172.002 213.00
Non-current liabilities total31 602.0030 678.0028 075.007 479.006 624.00
Current loans from credit institutions772.0030.003 721.003 565.00
Current leasing loans491.00489.00475.00402.00403.00
Current trade creditors4 309.004 722.004 036.00195.00299.00
Current owed to group member3.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities2.00104.0013.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 894.002 211.002 681.00309.0096.00
Current provisions80.0058.00196.00103.0098.00
Accruals and deferred income2 455.002 398.002 382.0018.00
Current liabilities total10 006.009 908.0013 595.004 592.00909.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)56 894.0055 840.0076 079.0052 144.0044 122.00
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