MJ Gothersgade ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42976237
Gothersgade 26, 1123 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit10 264.2114 548.67
Employee benefit expenses-7 163.13-8 922.54
Total depreciation-1 002.14-1 141.43
EBIT2 098.954 484.69
Other financial income12.01
Other financial expenses-22.82-25.61
Pre-tax profit2 076.134 471.09
Income taxes- 461.19- 992.56
Net earnings1 614.943 478.53

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights1 490.421 125.42
Goodwill1 490.421 125.42
Intangible assets total2 980.832 250.83
Machinery and equipment1 559.581 434.97
Tangible assets total1 559.581 434.97
Other receivables524.60558.15
Investments total524.60558.15
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods122.52131.05
Inventories total122.52131.05
Current trade debtors11.59326.50
Prepayments and accrued income12.390.91
Current other receivables334.32445.93
Current deferred tax assets1.6744.22
Short term receivables total359.96817.56
Cash and bank deposits5 485.394 653.05
Cash and cash equivalents5 485.394 653.05
Balance sheet total (assets)11 032.899 845.62

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital42.0042.00
Shares repurchased3 300.004 900.00
Other reserves-2 300.00
Retained earnings3 658.00372.94
Profit of the financial year1 614.943 478.53
Shareholders equity total8 614.946 493.46
Non-current liabilities total
Advances received32.50
Current trade creditors635.77833.86
Current owed to participating15.6616.89
Short-term deferred tax liabilities462.86735.12
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 303.661 733.78
Current liabilities total2 417.953 352.16
Balance sheet total (liabilities)11 032.899 845.62
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