Ninety Three ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42509566
Koldingvej 3, 6600 Vejen

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit4 097.151 358.751 419.21
Employee benefit expenses-1 431.58- 980.26
Other operating expenses-50.88- 152.02
Total depreciation-6.35-76.15
EBIT4 097.15- 130.06210.78
Other financial income0.17
Other financial expenses-20.79- 319.82- 555.95
Pre-tax profit4 076.36- 449.88- 345.00
Income taxes- 895.95-39.42
Net earnings3 180.41- 489.30- 345.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 375.002 801.112 801.11
Buildings1 135.911 059.76
Machinery and equipment-0.00682.75
Tangible assets total1 375.003 937.024 543.62
Other receivables4.50
Investments total4.50
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods4 078.853 899.195 848.41
Inventories total4 078.853 899.195 848.41
Current trade debtors68.701 262.601 461.30
Prepayments and accrued income13.78
Current other receivables134.90487.62159.28
Current deferred tax assets223.00
Short term receivables total217.381 750.221 843.58
Cash and bank deposits238.0316.4515.00
Cash and cash equivalents238.0316.4515.00
Balance sheet total (assets)5 909.279 607.3812 250.61

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.00
Retained earnings3 180.412 630.11
Profit of the financial year3 180.41- 489.30- 345.00
Shareholders equity total3 220.412 731.112 325.11
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 871.94
Non-current other liabilities45.9074.40
Non-current liabilities total45.901 946.34
Current loans from credit institutions4 102.626 744.15
Advances received4.80
Current trade creditors974.31889.15871.60
Current owed to participating335.2748.800.13
Short-term deferred tax liabilities895.95935.37
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities483.32849.63363.29
Current liabilities total2 688.866 830.377 979.16
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 909.279 607.3812 250.61
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