KJÆR GROUP ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32146252
Balle Bygade 81, 8600 Silkeborg
tel: 20245209

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit425.49-1 299.48- 218.35630.90
Employee benefit expenses- 193.48- 279.48- 183.93-2.07
Other operating expenses-2 566.02
Total depreciation-1.23
EBIT1 058.43128.631 045.45- 255.50591.68
Other financial income27.818.4711.650.10
Other financial expenses-11.33-51.58-71.64-13.77-47.44
Pre-tax profit1 074.9185.52985.46- 269.17544.24
Income taxes- 237.56-23.32- 248.6855.86- 112.78
Net earnings837.3562.20736.78- 213.30431.46

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 640.81
Machinery and equipment23.37168.22135.2198.0560.90
Tangible assets total23.371 809.04135.2198.0560.90
Other receivables152.236.506.506.506.50
Investments total152.236.506.506.506.50
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables25.9914.47369.47473.502 489.21
Inventories total25.9914.47369.47473.502 489.21
Current trade debtors1 625.472 059.461 489.7124.40
Current amounts owed by group member comp.45.6145.6145.6145.61
Current other receivables715.48126.90101.7666.0066.00
Current deferred tax assets46.31343.43
Short term receivables total2 340.942 231.971 637.09157.93479.44
Cash and bank deposits679.96142.321 734.652 506.29552.88
Cash and cash equivalents679.96142.321 734.652 506.29552.88
Balance sheet total (assets)3 222.494 204.293 882.913 242.273 588.93

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital60.0060.0060.0060.0060.00
Retained earnings280.191 118.041 180.241 917.021 703.71
Profit of the financial year837.3562.20736.78- 213.30431.46
Shareholders equity total1 177.541 240.241 977.021 763.712 195.18
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 097.65
Non-current liabilities total1 097.65
Current trade creditors1 163.261 031.49880.60208.60372.24
Current owed to participating29.8631.8583.0191.3348.88
Short-term deferred tax liabilities291.67240.29226.74226.7423.96
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities559.08555.58706.00951.90948.67
Current liabilities total2 043.861 859.211 896.351 478.561 393.75
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 222.494 204.293 882.913 242.273 588.93
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