CARELINE ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 29246483
Nygyde 2, 5642 Millinge
tel: 63617912

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit706.39662.28855.54480.81572.40
Employee benefit expenses- 424.26- 337.98- 427.77- 441.77- 368.72
Other operating expenses-61.42
Total depreciation- 198.85- 100.00- 100.00- 100.00-25.00
Other financial income48.0055.8024.8124.878.34
Other financial expenses- 113.89-68.44-90.97-34.77-92.94
Pre-tax profit17.40150.24261.60-70.8694.08
Income taxes-3.83-19.74-57.7814.13-20.76
Net earnings13.57130.50203.82-56.7273.32

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights325.00225.00125.0025.00
Intangible assets total325.00225.00125.0025.00
Machinery and equipment349.42
Tangible assets total349.42
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables471.90509.00754.17603.25719.75
Inventories total471.90509.00754.17603.25719.75
Current trade debtors414.98854.77425.18227.01345.51
Current amounts owed by group member comp.346.49355.79527.64449.33726.29
Prepayments and accrued income30.1930.1935.1930.1930.19
Current other receivables4.9250.0187.13166.67
Current deferred tax assets5.762.68
Short term receivables total802.341 240.751 038.02796.331 268.66
Cash and bank deposits16.66175.356.7912.796.75
Cash and cash equivalents16.66175.356.7912.796.75
Balance sheet total (assets)1 965.322 150.101 923.991 437.381 995.16

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings-25.54-11.97118.53322.35265.63
Profit of the financial year13.57130.50203.82-56.7273.32
Shareholders equity total113.03243.53447.35390.63463.95
Non-current loans from credit institutions219.08
Non-current liabilities total219.08
Current loans from credit institutions1 471.041 086.86720.57671.461 141.74
Current trade creditors4.1735.3572.723.35
Current owed to group member120.00637.21561.80341.25331.75
Short-term deferred tax liabilities66.2618.08
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities31.90133.1849.7830.6839.64
Accruals and deferred income6.10
Current liabilities total1 633.211 892.591 471.131 046.741 531.21
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 965.322 150.101 923.991 437.381 995.16
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