Landgraf Estate ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41345128
Floras Allé 7, 2720 Vanløse

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit11.27101.19255.30-16.24-8.81
Employee benefit expenses-5.45-11.91-11.71
Total depreciation-7.25-29.71-30.35-67.30
Other financial income284.160.020.03
Other financial expenses-74.88-39.59-37.25
Exchange rate differences36.25
Pre-tax profit-76.3119.99460.1687.33-8.78
Income taxes15.19-2.80- 101.24-19.211.93
Net earnings-61.1217.19358.9368.12-6.85

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters2 992.753 090.903 060.55
Tangible assets total2 992.753 090.903 060.55
Holdings in group member companies1 222.501 222.502 282.502 382.50
Investments total1 222.501 222.502 282.502 382.50
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors2.30
Current other receivables2.6015.46
Current deferred tax assets15.1921.791.93
Short term receivables total15.1921.794.9015.461.93
Cash and bank deposits140.1140.86649.5348.764.98
Cash and cash equivalents140.1140.86649.5348.764.98
Balance sheet total (assets)3 148.064 376.054 937.482 346.722 389.41

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital60.0060.0060.0060.0060.00
Share premium account955.00955.00955.00955.00955.00
Retained earnings-61.12-43.93315.00383.48
Profit of the financial year-61.1217.19358.9368.12-6.85
Shareholders equity total953.88971.071 330.001 398.111 391.63
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 073.811 997.512 279.92
Non-current owed to group member1 192.501 140.00926.67991.67
Non-current other liabilities110.00115.8075.99
Non-current liabilities total2 183.813 305.813 495.91926.67991.67
Advances received3.718.5622.20
Current trade creditors4.7980.590.21
Short-term deferred tax liabilities86.1221.94
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1.870.620.316.12
Current liabilities total10.3789.77108.8521.946.12
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 148.064 376.054 937.482 346.722 389.41
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