CNC FORCE ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 34203504
Smedegade 14, Rårup 7130 Juelsminde
tel: 31151280

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 898.661 539.572 360.062 887.982 545.05
Employee benefit expenses- 889.42-1 496.98-2 259.04-2 239.05-2 186.62
Other operating expenses-37.33
Total depreciation- 150.70-26.42- 124.95- 114.93- 139.15
Other financial income7.8520.380.100.37
Other financial expenses-99.66-41.62-94.38- 261.49- 153.66
Pre-tax profit766.7447.77- 118.22235.5565.62
Income taxes- 169.54-12.7622.36-65.03-15.15
Net earnings597.2035.01-95.85170.5250.47

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment735.35563.39409.53419.28316.25
Tangible assets total735.35563.39409.53419.28316.25
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods53.57691.755 398.741 669.51371.87
Advance payments19.76
Inventories total53.57691.755 398.741 689.26371.87
Current trade debtors702.251 145.641 996.221 128.63661.88
Current amounts owed by group member comp.268.98
Prepayments and accrued income47.2941.9869.9439.7666.77
Current other receivables59.37239.33174.10865.33897.34
Current deferred tax assets11.15
Short term receivables total1 077.891 426.942 251.402 033.721 625.99
Cash and bank deposits430.10
Cash and cash equivalents430.10
Balance sheet total (assets)2 296.912 682.088 059.684 142.262 314.11

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Shares repurchased900.00
Retained earnings- 597.200.00135.0139.16209.68
Profit of the financial year597.2035.01-95.85170.5250.47
Shareholders equity total980.00115.01119.16289.68340.15
Non-current deferred tax liabilities64.2315.75
Non-current liabilities total64.2315.75
Current loans from credit institutions1 157.015 542.222 253.41331.04
Advances received1 020.65
Current trade creditors312.34160.73374.72125.39615.39
Current owed to participating23.3016.7811.1718.9132.53
Current owed to group member500.46267.41375.59147.51
Short-term deferred tax liabilities254.16152.5664.23
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities709.22538.37703.37993.29736.50
Accruals and deferred income9.83
Current liabilities total1 299.032 525.917 919.553 766.581 937.04
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 296.912 682.088 059.684 142.262 314.11
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