Softpay ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41352272
Lyngbyvej 28, 2100 København Ø
tel: 72100080

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 479.007 949.006 309.0013 667.00
Employee benefit expenses-6 272.00-15 361.00-20 418.00-28 121.00
Total depreciation-3.00-30.00-2 306.00-5 569.00
EBIT-2 796.00-7 442.00-16 415.00-20 023.00
Other financial income15.00438.00
Other financial expenses- 400.00- 686.00- 855.00-1 256.00
Pre-tax profit-3 196.00-8 128.00-17 255.00-20 841.00
Income taxes1 292.002 648.004 301.004 741.00
Net earnings-1 904.00-5 480.00-12 954.00-16 100.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure17 896.0019 058.0024 500.0028 469.00
Intangible rights14.00
Intangible assets total17 910.0019 058.0024 500.0028 469.00
Machinery and equipment230.00353.00
Other tangible assets80.00
Tangible assets total36.0080.00230.00406.00
Other non-current investments-8 948.0014.0012.009.00
Investments total-8 948.0014.0012.009.00
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors25.0089.00507.001 887.00
Prepayments and accrued income175.00134.00516.001 977.00
Current other receivables1 020.00199.00565.00384.00
Current deferred tax assets1 292.001 665.005 966.009 021.00
Short term receivables total2 512.002 087.007 554.0013 269.00
Cash and bank deposits15 877.005 213.0018 103.0011 636.00
Cash and cash equivalents15 877.005 213.0018 103.0011 636.00
Balance sheet total (assets)27 387.0026 452.0050 399.0053 789.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital51.0054.0065.0070.00
Shares repurchased7 886.004 245.003 096.00
Other reserves6 979.006 979.0014 865.0019 110.00
Retained earnings5 610.00805.0028 168.0027 114.00
Profit of the financial year-1 904.00-5 480.00-12 954.00-16 100.00
Shareholders equity total10 736.0010 244.0034 389.0033 290.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions12 872.0013 506.009 425.00
Non-current other liabilities13 066.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities808.00808.00861.00
Non-current liabilities total13 066.0013 680.0014 314.0010 286.00
Current loans from credit institutions5 300.00
Current trade creditors1 756.00671.00596.001 746.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 829.001 857.001 100.002 818.00
Accruals and deferred income349.00
Current liabilities total3 585.002 528.001 696.0010 213.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)27 387.0026 452.0050 399.0053 789.00
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