AALBORG KLOAK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32651798
Norbis Park 100, Stae 9310 Vodskov

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales292.60274.10308.55303.00288.63
Costs of manufacturing-83.68- 101.09-85.42
Gross profit217.50203.80224.87201.91203.20
Costs of management-28.66-24.94-28.12
Costs of distribution- 200.12- 208.59- 222.50
Other financial income1.351.492.27
Other financial expenses-2.93-3.30-6.50
Pre-tax profit-25.50-10.70-5.49-33.43-51.64
Income taxes0.0210.734.34
Net earnings-25.50-10.70-5.47-22.70-47.30

Assets (mDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters152.55151.84150.83
Buildings5 675.335 687.585 726.72
Machinery and equipment7.285.214.08
Advance payments and construction in progress46.7798.43172.40
Tangible assets total5 881.935 943.066 054.03
Other receivables-0.00
Investments total-0.00
Non-current other receivables55.0964.9760.31
Non-current prepayments and accrued income5.78
Long term receivables total60.8764.9760.31
Inventories total
Current trade debtors38.7645.7947.84
Current amounts owed by group member comp.31.5933.6790.01
Prepayments and accrued income0.700.33
Current other receivables22.9115.7522.05
Current deferred tax assets0.0271.46
Short term receivables total93.97167.00159.90
Cash and bank deposits10.9978.4518.1424.15
Cash and cash equivalents10.9978.4518.1424.15
Balance sheet total (assets)10.996 115.236 193.176 298.39

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital5 478.705 468.00100.00100.00100.00
Retained earnings25.5010.705 368.015 362.545 339.84
Profit of the financial year-25.50-10.70-5.47-22.70-47.30
Shareholders equity total5 478.705 468.005 462.545 439.845 392.55
Non-current loans from credit institutions141.36166.84286.64
Non-current accruals and deferred income273.97287.34307.77
Non-current liabilities total415.33454.18594.42
Current loans from credit institutions3.434.146.36
Advances received11.7311.8411.23
Current trade creditors67.4964.0159.92
Current owed to group member4.811.420.23
Short-term deferred tax liabilities20.5621.7559.45
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities14.2524.2141.10
Accruals and deferred income8.088.659.41
Current liabilities total130.37136.02187.72
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 478.705 468.006 115.236 193.176 298.39
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