BBE ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32354696
Skelbækgade 5, 1717 København V

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit502.482 617.635 428.291 833.271 362.30
Employee benefit expenses-18.01-1 098.58-5 151.78-1 038.74-64.68
Total depreciation- 232.81- 232.81- 232.81
EBIT484.471 519.0543.70561.711 064.81
Other financial income212.8357.3487.2263.7450.88
Other financial expenses-63.14-7.13- 141.45-88.04-25.50
Pre-tax profit634.161 569.26-10.54537.411 090.19
Income taxes- 139.52- 328.77-2.60611.99- 246.28
Net earnings494.641 240.49-13.141 149.40843.90

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment49.00185.73139.3092.87
Tangible assets total49.00931.26698.44465.63
Other receivables88.03
Investments total88.03
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.3 757.303 024.522 218.26807.48
Current deferred tax assets331.372.60
Short term receivables total331.373 759.903 024.522 218.26807.48
Cash and bank deposits166.72773.386.80237.051 269.29
Cash and cash equivalents166.72773.386.80237.051 269.29
Balance sheet total (assets)498.094 582.283 962.583 153.762 630.42

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings-1 783.17-1 288.53-48.03-61.171 088.23
Profit of the financial year494.641 240.49-13.141 149.40843.90
Shareholders equity total-1 238.531.97-11.171 138.231 982.13
Non-current liabilities total
Current owed to participating218.9298.92101.89101.89101.89
Current owed to group member1 352.343 319.303 418.881 460.23
Short-term deferred tax liabilities246.28
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities165.351 162.09452.99453.41300.12
Current liabilities total1 736.614 580.313 973.752 015.53648.29
Balance sheet total (liabilities)498.094 582.283 962.583 153.762 630.42
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