BYRAVN holding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 82574328
Storedamvej 20, Ferup 6640 Lunderskov
tel: 60108297

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit104.28178.9787.3283.0982.11
Other operating expenses-28.99-30.14-26.85-30.18-30.75
Total depreciation-15.00-15.00-15.00-15.00-15.00
Other financial income25.81545.02130.92626.551 174.89
Other financial expenses-54.02-18.42-1 075.44-5.97- 212.13
Reduction non-current investment assets- 103.22- 100.42
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets46.1289.33249.3327.0031.00
Net income from associates (fin.)1 880.201 539.32786.561 207.21717.35
Pre-tax profit1 958.392 289.09136.851 789.501 647.05
Income taxes-1.23- 127.63189.17- 152.79- 227.58
Net earnings1 957.162 161.45326.031 636.711 419.47

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters886.18871.18856.18841.18826.18
Tangible assets total886.18871.18856.18841.18826.18
Participating interests531.651 820.98357.541 464.75482.10
Investments total531.651 820.98357.541 464.75482.10
Non-current loans receivable791.52880.861 095.691 817.471 635.55
Long term receivables total791.52880.861 095.691 817.471 635.55
Finished products/goods36.10126.61126.61126.61126.61
Inventories total36.10126.61126.61126.61126.61
Current owed by particip. interest comp.254.6714.99117.69230.99
Current deferred tax assets21.0533.83253.03135.9631.00
Short term receivables total21.05288.50268.01253.65261.99
Other current investments1 571.914 599.343 543.935 002.065 453.76
Cash and bank deposits2 135.68248.682 776.93245.821 512.53
Cash and cash equivalents3 707.594 848.026 320.865 247.896 966.29
Balance sheet total (assets)5 974.108 836.139 024.899 751.5510 298.72

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Shares repurchased55.3056.5057.201 000.0061.00
Other reserves491.651 780.98317.54317.54442.10
Retained earnings2 323.682 935.026 502.715 828.737 279.88
Profit of the financial year1 957.162 161.45326.031 636.711 419.47
Shareholders equity total5 027.797 133.957 403.478 982.989 402.45
Non-current other liabilities722.65722.65
Non-current deferred tax liabilities722.65722.65722.65
Non-current liabilities total722.65722.65722.65722.65722.65
Short-term deferred tax liabilities138.71127.16
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities223.65840.82898.7645.9246.45
Current liabilities total223.65979.53898.7645.92173.61
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 974.108 836.139 024.899 751.5510 298.72
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