MIHU ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35046046
Lindebugten 14, 2500 Valby
tel: 30141400

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales1 087.33229.00
External services- 118.31
Gross profit969.02212.00381.46248.9158.34
Employee benefit expenses-1 177.24- 570.00- 160.08- 208.32- 101.56
Other operating expenses-34.00-10.71-5.91-5.90
Total depreciation-7.62-4.00-4.21-4.21-64.20
EBIT- 215.84- 396.00206.4730.48- 113.32
Other financial income42.2893.0098.08118.6155.89
Other financial expenses-26.67-4.00-3.78-70.180.01
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets8.23
Pre-tax profit- 200.23- 307.00300.7778.91-49.20
Income taxes-33.321.00
Net earnings- 233.55- 306.00300.7778.91-49.20

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters78.9375.0070.5266.3162.11
Tangible assets total78.9375.0070.5266.3162.11
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable394.06398.00402.00408.96408.96
Long term receivables total394.06398.00402.00408.96408.96
Finished products/goods333.04388.00493.9260.00121.74
Inventories total333.04388.00493.9260.00121.74
Current amounts owed by group member comp.18.75
Current other receivables732.851 014.001 218.171 205.991 242.81
Current deferred tax assets10.0020.00
Short term receivables total751.601 024.001 238.171 205.991 242.81
Cash and bank deposits0.109.70219.90157.76
Cash and cash equivalents0.109.70219.90157.76
Balance sheet total (assets)1 557.741 885.002 214.311 961.161 993.38

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Other reserves60.0060.2360.2360.23
Retained earnings291.43-2.00- 308.26- 195.49- 116.59
Profit of the financial year- 233.55- 306.00300.7778.91-49.20
Shareholders equity total137.88- 168.00132.7323.64-25.55
Non-current liabilities total
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 419.862 053.002 081.581 937.522 018.93
Current liabilities total1 419.862 053.002 081.581 937.522 018.93
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 557.741 885.002 214.311 961.161 993.38
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