Woden A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35240349
Balticagade 12 A, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit22 977.3820 564.6214 892.82
Employee benefit expenses-22 426.70-18 097.26
Total depreciation-1 570.29-1 118.98
EBIT2 552.55-3 432.38-4 323.41
Other financial income2 081.9135.75
Other financial expenses-1 357.31-2 982.02
Pre-tax profit1 268.17-2 707.77-7 269.69
Income taxes577.501 095.07
Net earnings1 268.17-2 130.27-6 174.62

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights377.141 134.71
Intangible assets total917.321 558.31
Buildings1 175.56878.43
Machinery and equipment1 663.511 000.33
Tangible assets total2 839.071 878.76
Other receivables57 640.05
Investments total57 640.05
Non-current other receivables1 650.781 712.03
Long term receivables total1 650.781 712.03
Finished products/goods42 055.4729 753.61
Advance payments3 571.984 717.98
Inventories total45 627.4534 471.59
Current trade debtors10 165.6314 697.60
Current owed by particip. interest comp.442.66442.66
Prepayments and accrued income1 674.68870.81
Current other receivables133.36624.85
Current deferred tax assets840.652 089.12
Short term receivables total13 256.9818 725.03
Cash and bank deposits646.031 696.04
Cash and cash equivalents646.031 696.04
Balance sheet total (assets)57 640.0564 937.6360 041.75

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital9 009.85501.00501.00
Retained earnings-1 268.177 687.975 773.23
Profit of the financial year1 268.17-2 130.27-6 174.62
Shareholders equity total9 009.856 058.7099.61
Capital loans6 000.006 000.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions19 000.0019 000.00
Non-current other liabilities109.50109.00
Non-current liabilities total25 109.5025 109.00
Current loans from credit institutions19 530.6220 282.53
Advances received930.91133.18
Current trade creditors10 699.1310 751.57
Short-term deferred tax liabilities352.20
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 256.573 665.86
Current liabilities total33 769.4334 833.14
Balance sheet total (liabilities)9 009.8564 937.6360 041.75
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