DAN-BOS ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 30691954
Industrivej 19 B, 7700 Thisted
tel: 97926100

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 583.723 579.491 543.871 377.981 187.87
Employee benefit expenses-1 029.58- 948.35- 796.11- 839.69-1 068.60
Other operating expenses- 611.97- 794.22- 320.30- 244.08- 176.76
Total depreciation-9.38-37.76-3.97-14.60-20.62
EBIT-67.201 799.16423.50279.61-78.11
Other financial income0.361.94
Other financial expenses- 132.44-60.66-68.15-53.25-31.52
Pre-tax profit- 199.281 738.50355.35226.36- 107.69
Income taxes- 129.37-81.22-49.9722.39
Net earnings- 199.281 609.13274.13176.38-85.30

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment57.0345.4333.83
Tangible assets total32.6729.6683.70189.37168.75
Other receivables6.606.606.75
Investments total6.606.606.75
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables827.05787.771 299.45646.00627.25
Advance payments1 263.10
Inventories total827.052 050.871 299.45646.00627.25
Current trade debtors337.54772.8862.31
Current amounts owed by group member comp.0.941.00
Current other receivables116.75153.32209.41417.16239.16
Current deferred tax assets172.2791.0537.7860.17
Short term receivables total454.291 098.47362.78455.88300.33
Cash and bank deposits120.42764.57801.78918.57531.97
Cash and cash equivalents120.42764.57801.78918.57531.97
Balance sheet total (assets)1 434.433 943.582 554.302 216.411 635.05

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings- 935.67-1 134.95474.18748.31924.69
Profit of the financial year- 199.281 609.13274.13176.38-85.30
Shareholders equity total-1 009.95599.18873.311 049.69964.39
Non-current other liabilities96.67
Non-current deferred tax liabilities301.64
Non-current liabilities total96.67301.64
Current loans from credit institutions721.6896.67313.9022.55
Advances received547.381 474.86604.48126.62319.22
Current trade creditors672.461 045.32364.70681.506.64
Current owed to participating378.58363.14
Current owed to group member24.687.687.68
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2.9255.08390.24358.60322.24
Current liabilities total2 347.703 042.761 680.991 166.72670.65
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 434.433 943.582 554.302 216.411 635.05
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