MULTI-BOLIG ØST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38436635
K. Christensens Vej 4, 9200 Aalborg SV

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
External services-24.00
Gross profit-37.00-18.00-24.00- 219.00- 743.00
Reduction in value of non-current assets26 154.00
EBIT-37.00-18.00-24.00- 219.0025 411.00
Other financial expenses-3 216.00
Pre-tax profit-37.00-18.00-24.00- 219.0022 195.00
Income taxes4.004.005.0048.00-4 883.00
Net earnings-33.00-14.00-19.00- 171.0017 312.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings167 448.00
Advance payments and construction in progress12 938.0018 183.0089 548.0018 676.00
Tangible assets total12 938.0018 183.0089 548.00186 124.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products1 257.00
Finished products/goods8 600.00
Inventories total9 857.00
Current other receivables10.002.0038.00
Short term receivables total10.002.0038.00
Cash and bank deposits1.00241.00
Cash and cash equivalents1.00241.00
Balance sheet total (assets)9 867.0012 940.0018 184.0089 548.00186 403.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00
Retained earnings884.00850.00837.00818.00647.00
Profit of the financial year-33.00-14.00-19.00- 171.0017 312.00
Shareholders equity total951.00936.00918.00747.0018 059.00
Provisions94.0090.0085.0037.004 920.00
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions8 783.004 548.008 279.0073 932.00120 528.00
Current trade creditors14.0026.00219.00316.00
Current owed to participating5 202.008 876.0014 613.0041 715.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities39.002 150.00865.00
Current liabilities total8 822.0011 914.0017 181.0088 764.00163 424.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)9 867.0012 940.0018 184.0089 548.00186 403.00
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