BABS ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 29193916
Bryggergården 14, 2770 Kastrup
tel: 32504019

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales7 530.156 814.5912 577.3113 991.6213 658.78
Other operating income782.991 590.81412.28416.06418.27
Purchases during the financial year-2 539.18-2 285.97-4 364.68-4 954.75-4 685.29
External services-1 057.73-1 383.01-1 876.30-2 329.98-2 108.18
Gross profit4 716.224 736.426 748.617 122.957 283.58
Employee benefit expenses-4 112.11-4 284.45-5 251.92-6 407.36-6 912.04
Other operating expenses- 110.93-81.51-4.50
Total depreciation-19.68-26.50-47.58-51.31-50.61
EBIT473.49425.471 449.12582.78316.43
Other financial income0.00
Other financial expenses-9.53-11.30-19.97-0.54-0.11
Pre-tax profit463.96414.171 429.14582.24316.32
Income taxes- 109.54-89.71- 322.98- 134.50-69.94
Net earnings354.42324.461 106.16447.74246.38

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment4.46
Tangible assets total35.83129.75189.30137.9987.38
Investments total
Non-current other receivables295.50301.41311.30329.98336.58
Long term receivables total295.50301.41311.30329.98336.58
Finished products/goods136.64167.18157.13174.43153.53
Inventories total136.64167.18157.13174.43153.53
Current trade debtors33.315.5693.15192.77
Current other receivables190.70397.730.080.08
Short term receivables total190.70431.045.5693.23192.85
Cash and bank deposits2 182.982 229.503 281.972 332.991 691.61
Cash and cash equivalents2 182.982 229.503 281.972 332.991 691.61
Balance sheet total (assets)2 841.663 258.893 945.263 068.612 461.95

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased171.601 500.00450.00
Retained earnings704.54887.37- 288.17367.99815.74
Profit of the financial year354.42324.461 106.16447.74246.38
Shareholders equity total1 183.961 508.432 442.991 390.741 187.12
Non-current other liabilities221.65201.02291.33
Non-current deferred tax liabilities110.6528.94
Non-current liabilities total221.65201.02291.33110.6528.94
Current trade creditors164.37211.88266.14365.04317.72
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 207.431 229.76824.611 004.84781.88
Accruals and deferred income64.24107.81115.55192.85141.79
Current liabilities total1 436.041 549.451 206.291 562.731 241.39
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 841.663 258.893 945.263 068.612 461.95
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