DUE ANDERSEN AUTOMOBILER ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26542650
Frederiksværkvej 18, 3600 Frederikssund

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 947.122 269.78973.03803.811 768.70
Employee benefit expenses-1 746.36-1 874.80-1 676.62-1 346.70-1 369.12
Total depreciation-54.49-73.87-80.05-84.25-86.72
EBIT146.27408.72- 758.63- 617.13312.87
Other financial income17.730.0512.7218.53
Other financial expenses-79.88-45.31-77.64-70.89- 116.45
Pre-tax profit-21.65363.47- 823.55- 669.50196.41
Income taxes4.60-80.4658.49-9.0885.40
Net earnings-17.05283.01- 765.06- 678.58281.81

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment203.93276.03267.05280.06227.69
Tangible assets total515.90554.26510.93489.60402.88
Other receivables105.00105.00105.00105.00105.00
Investments total105.00105.00105.00105.00105.00
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods5 737.125 226.874 392.374 265.385 954.25
Inventories total5 737.125 226.874 392.374 265.385 954.25
Current trade debtors371.27564.131 350.32303.81501.13
Prepayments and accrued income62.6751.1658.6564.9671.83
Current other receivables102.7048.62366.61105.1811.04
Current deferred tax assets212.4598.92109.4465.32140.68
Short term receivables total749.10762.831 885.03539.27724.68
Cash and bank deposits420.77669.44369.09714.902 011.93
Cash and cash equivalents420.77669.44369.09714.902 011.93
Balance sheet total (assets)7 527.897 318.407 262.426 114.149 198.74

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital201.00201.00201.00201.00201.00
Shares repurchased82.9584.70
Retained earnings3 850.883 749.134 032.143 267.092 588.51
Profit of the financial year-17.05283.01- 765.06- 678.58281.81
Shareholders equity total4 117.784 317.853 468.092 789.513 071.32
Non-current other liabilities33.3360.0040.0042.7444.07
Non-current liabilities total33.3360.0040.0042.7444.07
Advances received121.29257.0025.49
Current trade creditors1 557.561 933.731 827.371 198.61300.16
Current owed to participating440.20160.601 589.991 851.265 169.24
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 257.72589.23336.97232.02588.46
Current liabilities total3 376.772 940.553 754.333 281.896 083.35
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 527.897 318.407 262.426 114.149 198.74
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