DANSK PRESSE TEKNIK ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36439920
Amstrup Bakker 7, 8860 Ulstrup

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit6 611.276 430.788 713.487 236.408 276.36
Employee benefit expenses-4 293.27-4 396.39-4 825.27-4 896.34-5 533.93
Total depreciation-35.35-14.00-9.00-9.00-9.00
EBIT2 282.652 020.393 879.212 331.062 733.44
Other financial income0.120.260.450.67
Other financial expenses-17.70-20.86-27.30-8.63-38.91
Pre-tax profit2 264.951 999.653 852.172 322.882 695.20
Income taxes- 502.08- 442.74- 848.70- 512.01- 599.62
Net earnings1 762.871 556.913 003.471 810.862 095.58

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment41.0027.0018.009.00
Tangible assets total41.0027.0018.009.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors1 784.611 967.023 934.722 259.261 764.18
Prepayments and accrued income23.6640.6815.0057.0834.58
Current deferred tax assets0.08114.00
Short term receivables total1 808.352 007.704 063.722 316.351 798.77
Cash and bank deposits1 794.841 466.111 785.912 240.371 886.95
Cash and cash equivalents1 794.841 466.111 785.912 240.371 886.95
Balance sheet total (assets)3 644.193 500.815 867.644 565.713 685.71

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital75.0075.0075.0075.0075.00
Share premium account15.00
Shares repurchased1 761.001 521.003 000.001 830.002 100.00
Retained earnings-1 734.20-1 477.33-2 920.42-1 746.96-2 036.10
Profit of the financial year1 762.871 556.913 003.471 810.862 095.58
Shareholders equity total1 879.671 675.583 158.041 968.902 234.48
Non-current deferred tax liabilities405.39335.75852.62393.40451.38
Non-current liabilities total405.39335.75852.62393.40451.38
Current trade creditors164.98346.60518.11338.94131.15
Short-term deferred tax liabilities2.012.23618.932.05
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 192.131 136.481 338.871 237.03859.04
Current liabilities total1 359.131 485.311 856.982 194.90992.24
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 644.193 500.815 867.644 565.713 685.71
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