BN Skilte A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 49907028
Jomfruløkken 6, 8930 Randers NØ

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit29 659.3731 657.9334 716.0134 556.8434 640.90
Employee benefit expenses-25 654.80-28 205.27-31 936.03-31 090.48-31 437.11
Other operating expenses-71.84-40.00
Total depreciation- 628.73- 717.90- 912.50- 921.83-1 021.27
EBIT3 375.842 734.761 795.642 584.532 182.51
Other financial income28.2549.4447.5265.02
Other financial expenses-48.79- 118.56-97.23- 116.44- 143.99
Reduction non-current investment assets- 181.53- 152.60- 152.97- 153.06- 153.33
Pre-tax profit3 173.772 513.031 592.962 380.051 885.19
Income taxes- 736.42- 585.90- 381.87- 552.31- 415.39
Net earnings2 437.351 927.141 211.091 827.741 469.80

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings2 937.314 488.774 125.333 886.003 503.47
Machinery and equipment108.74188.86338.41287.52238.09
Tangible assets total3 046.054 677.644 463.744 173.523 741.56
Holdings in group member companies688.75543.75398.76253.76108.76
Other receivables402.29405.84410.66421.83425.97
Investments total1 091.04949.60809.42675.59534.73
Non-current loans receivable120.55120.55120.55120.55115.00
Long term receivables total120.55120.55120.55120.55115.00
Semifinished products561.73338.97612.32755.66693.41
Raw materials and consumables2 879.383 136.552 479.542 689.702 632.52
Inventories total3 441.113 475.523 091.863 445.363 325.94
Current trade debtors2 943.2610 199.817 739.999 853.337 207.19
Prepayments and accrued income61.89103.30183.05175.37197.32
Current other receivables1.152 109.39138.25132.07670.73
Current deferred tax assets61.19
Short term receivables total3 006.3012 412.508 061.2910 160.768 136.43
Cash and bank deposits12 369.267 909.33490.844.941.94
Cash and cash equivalents12 369.267 909.33490.844.941.94
Balance sheet total (assets)23 074.3229 545.1417 037.7018 580.7315 855.61

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased2 150.001 540.00605.001 500.001 469.00
Retained earnings1 511.852 409.203 731.333 442.433 801.17
Profit of the financial year2 437.351 927.141 211.091 827.741 469.80
Shareholders equity total6 599.206 376.336 047.437 270.177 239.97
Non-current other liabilities989.96999.86
Non-current deferred tax liabilities1 020.85464.06688.97
Non-current liabilities total989.96999.861 020.85464.06688.97
Current loans from credit institutions112.64239.56439.90337.581 214.31
Advances received447.213 501.47544.87374.87
Current trade creditors3 750.742 476.744 818.896 014.153 489.19
Short-term deferred tax liabilities684.60464.02346.54535.26
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities10 445.9815 321.303 618.023 366.403 028.35
Current liabilities total15 441.1722 003.089 768.2310 628.277 731.85
Balance sheet total (liabilities)23 074.3229 545.1417 037.7018 580.7315 855.61
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