EURO SKO DANMARK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35397728
Finlandsgade 17, 8200 Aarhus N

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 690.001 195.872 089.91990.69594.17
Employee benefit expenses-1 108.00- 899.91- 921.04- 671.97- 514.76
Total depreciation-63.89-69.70-69.70-69.70-69.70
EBIT518.12226.261 099.18249.039.71
Other financial income281.37133.9291.4273.74185.21
Other financial expenses- 126.11-93.63-69.75-35.06-37.03
Pre-tax profit673.38266.551 120.84287.71157.88
Income taxes- 148.19-58.64- 246.59-63.30-34.73
Net earnings525.19207.91874.26224.42123.15

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights284.60214.90145.2075.515.81
Intangible assets total284.60214.90145.2075.515.81
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors3 398.782 341.604 216.237 427.653 402.71
Current amounts owed by group member comp.4 650.006 200.004 500.004 738.29
Current other receivables110.3092.489.3847.45
Short term receivables total8 159.098 634.084 225.6111 975.108 141.00
Cash and bank deposits2 432.192 019.0510 600.801 866.992 075.95
Cash and cash equivalents2 432.192 019.0510 600.801 866.992 075.95
Balance sheet total (assets)10 875.8710 868.0314 971.6113 917.6010 222.75

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 767.501 767.501 767.501 767.501 767.50
Shares repurchased234.00136.5097.50
Retained earnings2 699.473 088.173 296.074 170.332 889.03
Profit of the financial year525.19207.91874.26224.42123.15
Shareholders equity total5 226.175 200.075 937.836 162.254 877.18
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions0.08
Advances received1 499.20
Current trade creditors3 315.962 574.514 130.256 132.653 816.67
Current owed to group member244.2897.183 065.38276.35340.55
Short-term deferred tax liabilities54.1042.55261.9278.6350.07
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 004.111 407.251 544.291 251.111 137.01
Current liabilities total5 618.535 620.689 001.847 738.745 344.30
Balance sheet total (liabilities)10 875.8710 868.0314 971.6113 917.6010 222.75
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