MBJ Cool ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39884216
Frederiksberg Alle 18, 1820 Frederiksberg C
tel: 50601054

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit74 446.3966 885.16- 508.102 062.08-3 092.20
Employee benefit expenses-73 976.39-66 001.34- 583.42-1 685.56-1 357.78
Other operating expenses- 418.09
Total depreciation-3 344.48-2 947.98
EBIT-2 874.49-2 482.24-1 091.52376.52-4 449.98
Other financial income222.33199.50215.201 182.62389.41
Other financial expenses- 109.01-97.89-67.15-29.86-9.18
Pre-tax profit-2 761.16-2 380.63- 943.471 529.28-4 069.75
Income taxes584.37-1 407.08207.56
Profit/loss from discontinued operations7 582.021 062.63129.33
Net earnings-2 176.80-3 787.716 846.112 591.91-3 940.42

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights1 142.50737.33
Goodwill8 904.568 180.65
Intangible assets total10 047.068 917.98
Machinery and equipment9 652.887 448.21
Tangible assets total9 652.887 448.21
Other receivables-18 056.04
Investments total-18 056.04
Non-current other receivables9 090.009 180.9036.00
Long term receivables total9 090.009 180.9036.00
Semifinished products1 053.661 197.65
Raw materials and consumables3 827.593 528.91
Inventories total4 881.254 726.57
Current trade debtors25 195.7922 474.24
Prepayments and accrued income503.531 253.3076.33
Current other receivables7 567.5046 526.0415 377.922 207.69
Current deferred tax assets1 407.08143.99
Short term receivables total27 106.4131 295.0546 746.3715 377.922 207.69
Cash and bank deposits26.431 880.894 352.61814.712 337.75
Cash and cash equivalents26.431 880.894 352.61814.712 337.75
Non-current assets for sale18 056.04
Balance sheet total (assets)60 804.0263 449.6051 134.9816 192.644 545.44

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital10 000.0010 000.008 600.008 600.008 600.00
Shares repurchased10 320.0018 232.003 010.00
Other reserves-14 190.00-3 010.00
Retained earnings26 814.2124 637.4110 829.70- 556.19- 974.28
Profit of the financial year-2 176.80-3 787.716 846.112 591.91-3 940.42
Shareholders equity total34 637.4130 849.7036 595.8114 677.723 685.30
Capital loans5 000.00
Non-current leasing loans981.01595.21
Non-current other liabilities1 519.223 807.14
Non-current liabilities total2 500.239 402.35
Current loans from credit institutions2 660.18937.65
Advances received1 441.883 791.16
Current trade creditors8 480.443 769.2532.2574.576.50
Current owed to participating0.60
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities11 083.2914 699.4914 506.921 440.35853.65
Liabilities of non-current assets for sale13 779.221 221.61627.90
Current liabilities total23 666.3823 197.5528 318.392 736.531 488.04
Balance sheet total (liabilities)60 804.0263 449.6064 914.2017 414.255 173.34
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