BAHEKO A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 10798035
Vandmestervej 37, 2630 Taastrup
tel: 43991611

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 031.793 301.524 037.294 229.593 884.66
Employee benefit expenses-1 821.88-1 527.85-1 849.30-1 740.98-1 533.45
Total depreciation- 222.69- 238.08-61.86-40.97-26.71
EBIT987.221 535.592 126.142 447.642 324.51
Other financial income68.90
Other financial expenses- 167.49- 135.91- 153.54- 156.56- 156.13
Net income from associates (fin.)13.048.989.299.05
Pre-tax profit832.781 408.661 981.882 300.132 237.28
Income taxes- 182.70- 310.31- 438.61- 502.91- 493.71
Net earnings650.081 098.361 543.271 797.221 743.57

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment588.1774.8636.4953.30
Tangible assets total588.1774.8636.4953.30
Holdings in group member companies513.04508.98509.28509.05
Investments total513.04508.98509.28509.05
Non-current other receivables810.00810.00810.00810.00810.00
Long term receivables total810.00810.00810.00810.00810.00
Finished products/goods5 768.615 761.136 491.137 385.157 189.84
Inventories total5 768.615 761.136 491.137 385.157 189.84
Current trade debtors3 366.173 321.263 346.764 235.873 101.78
Prepayments and accrued income568.07438.07721.98590.69
Current other receivables0.140.170.480.430.48
Current deferred tax assets17.7217.6119.2311.66
Short term receivables total3 934.383 777.224 086.854 846.233 113.92
Cash and bank deposits116.652 502.271 774.911 805.193 115.38
Cash and cash equivalents116.652 502.271 774.911 805.193 115.38
Balance sheet total (assets)11 730.8613 434.4513 708.6515 355.6114 282.43

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased1 000.00800.001 000.001 500.001 500.00
Other reserves11.046.987.297.05
Retained earnings4 228.844 082.984 181.034 224.544 528.80
Profit of the financial year650.081 098.361 543.271 797.221 743.57
Shareholders equity total6 389.966 488.327 231.588 028.808 272.37
Non-current other liabilities43.87
Non-current liabilities total43.87
Current trade creditors194.23859.73805.351 824.21704.23
Current owed to group member4 150.784 288.434 369.504 074.394 217.23
Short-term deferred tax liabilities194.85350.24438.50504.53486.13
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities734.961 447.74863.71923.68602.47
Current liabilities total5 274.826 946.146 477.077 326.816 010.07
Balance sheet total (liabilities)11 730.8613 434.4513 708.6515 355.6114 282.43
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